Passport Stamped - ATLANTA


Registered Users (C)
I went to the INS center yesterday. They told me that I have to be in by 7-7:30. So I was there at 6:30 this morning. Was let into the building at 7. It took another 40 mins to get my token. Then was led into this room and waited there till 9:40 until my number came up. the officer took my notice, I-94, EAD and AP. She then did my FP and stamped my PP. I was out by 10! (She had a 10 min cell phone call break during the process). She said it will take 6-8 weeks for me to get my card.

So people in ATL, try to get there as early as possible. There is a parking lot right opposite the building but do not park there! Someone slammed their door into mine cuz the lots are sub-compact and also they charge $7! There are other parking lots 2 blocks away that cost $5 and have easy open lots! Let me know if you need directions.

Hope Y'all get approved! Its time for my waffle and grits!!
Let me be the first to congratulate you on getting the PP stamped
Now you are a free bird. Good Luck

Thanks for all your information and your posting are always good and informative.Congrats...

Congrats !!! Could you please post the directions to the office and the parking lot, I think the office is somewhere on Martin Luther King Blvd ? It will be good to have the directions handy , though I know I still have couple of months to go(RD Apr 2002) . I think my case will be further delayed because just yesterday I noticed that the Doctor's office had posted Date of examination as "Mar 18 2001" instead of "Mar 18 2002". And last but not the least I-140 was approved for CP.
here u go

It depends where you are coming from. Look at this page to get the exact directions that is suitable to you.

I went from north so too MLK till Forsyth and turned left on Forsyth. The building is at the corner of MLK and Forsyth. You cannot miss it with all the people around. If you go straight on MLK, you'll know when you reach Forsyth by the fact that the road pretty much ends i.e. goes into a lower level parking place. If you take MLK, and take the left on Forsyth, keep going after a couple of blocks you will notice a parking lot on your right. All the way at the end of the lot, there is a machine where you can enter the lot you want and pay $5 and it will spit out a ticket. You can park in lots near the machine (the 100s). I was so pissed with the lot right opposite the building cuz they charge $2 more and my new car door got dented #$%%!

Surprisingly there was no handicap access to the FEDERAL building! Saw some mommies carry the stroller on the steps! Get there early and good luck! Let me know if you need anything.
Thanks for the info, I will be taking 85/75 South onto MLK. I think have drove past that bldg either on my way to GA Dome/GSU or when I got lost in that area. I vaguely remeber bldg being on intersection of MLK and "some" street, now I know its "Forsyth".
There is one more on Bufford Highway. Can't you get the passport stamped in that place?

PatienceGC, didn't know you are from ATL. We might cross our paths (or already crossed) sometime:)
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Sorry for the dump question, but what is Chief of Valhalla??.. I was meaning to ask you for a long time, so before you disappear from this site, pls explain..

Congrates on your GC stamping..
Re: patientGC

Originally posted by vigneshbabu
Sorry for the dump question, but what is Chief of Valhalla??.. I was meaning to ask you for a long time, so before you disappear from this site, pls explain..

Congrates on your GC stamping..

Valhalla is the place where the Viking warriors go when they die. I picked it up from "Immigrant Song" by Led Zepp! ;)

good luck for the future.

Just one question ?
Do you appreciate the wonderful sense of humour of this guy ShantanuB ?
Nothing against PatienceGC, but waitinNJ - PatienceGC is not a famous celebrity whose valuable opinion should be asked for everything. This is analogous to asking Sean Penn for his opinion on war about Iraq.
Originally posted by american
Nothing against PatienceGC, but waitinNJ - PatienceGC is not a famous celebrity whose valuable opinion should be asked for everything. This is analogous to asking Sean Penn for his opinion on war about Iraq.

lol I understand your concerns but i think he asked me because I am the person directly targeted by 1amshantanub.

BTW I dont see anything wrong with Sean Penn's opinion on the war! I mean... we are hearing the opinions of BUSH!!! I would suggest "dead man walking" and " I am sam" and then decide if his opinions are better than a former coke-head c-average political sciences major!

First of all congratulations on your great success.

Now Can you please let me know that when officer tokk your I-94 Is that expired or still vaild. Mine I94 is expired but I have EAD work permit.
Please update me that it is fine or I can have the problem.
Re: Important

Originally posted by davinder
First of all congratulations on your great success.

Now Can you please let me know that when officer tokk your I-94 Is that expired or still vaild. Mine I94 is expired but I have EAD work permit.
Please update me that it is fine or I can have the problem.

Mine was valid. My Visa stamping on the passport had expired in 2000. I really dont know if the I-94 should be valid or not. I am guessing that your last I-94 was from your H1 and now the H1 (and I-94) has expired (?). You'd better ask this in the open forum. I dont think many people will visit this thread.

Thank you
PatienceGC, don't get me started on this whole war-Bush thing. But let me say one thing - we have a person here who is honest and sticks to his words no matter what. One more thing, if you have read about Bush, he would portray himself as dumb and do smart things rather than the other way.

Before Bush came to power, I absolutely loathed him. But I slowly started liking his personality. Enough of my speech...
I have time today

Originally posted by american
But let me say one thing - we have a person here who is honest and sticks to his words no matter what.

Whats worse than an idiot?... A stubborn idiot!

One more thing, if you have read about Bush, he would portray himself as dumb and do smart things rather than the other way.

Hmm are these smart things also invisible?

Before Bush came to power, I absolutely loathed him. But I slowly started liking his personality. Enough of my speech...

You know what the recording companies do... they give you and overdose of the songs and the artist so much that you will eventually like them... how else can you explain Nelly! :D Thats the same thing here. Everyone supports the war because if they dont... they are not patriotic. Well where are the WMDs? We saw a 150 people tearing down Saddam/s statue... but did you see the anti-american crowds in iraq?... 10 times the size! Maybe those idiots wanted it that way.

I watched the daily show with john stewart... they showed two clips

" America cannot go to other countries and tell them what they should do"

" America is not in the business of nation building" Both by GWB Governer of Texas!

Why did they call it "Iraqi freedom" Are we gonna have "chinese freedom", " North Korea Freedom" and heaven forbid " Kashmir Freedom"?
You know what the recording companies do... they give you and overdose of the songs and the artist so much that you will eventually like them... how else can you explain Nelly!

Its not the same thing when it comes to politics expecially with the liberal media out there. Have you ever heard of anti-incumbency. Who said Nelly is bad!!!

Reg the war, I think there are pros and cons -
pro - it has to be done as a preemptive strike to avert another incident like Sep 11. For all the peace lovers out there, peace is accomplished through war as in World war I and II. In a different context, India would have gone to war with Pak in 1947 itself rather than going to the UN.
con - it is very difficult to win the hearts of the people of Iraq since they always consider Americans as aggressors. Man, am I on a rampage.
Originally posted by american
Its not the same thing when it comes to politics expecially with the liberal media out there. Have you ever heard of anti-incumbency. Who said Nelly is bad!!!

liberal media??? I think they have been run over buy the sly foxes!

Nelly is the worst that can happen to the music industry and most importantly to Rap! Comparing him to the likes of 2pac or biggie is like comparing Newton and 1amShantanuB!

Reg the war, I think there are pros and cons -
pro - it has to be done as a preemptive strike to avert another incident like Sep 11.

What happened to this doctrine of pre-emptive strike during the cold war? Afghanisthan was justified but if you think Iraq war is justified, you have just been brain washed! Whats with the "liberation" of iraqi people? Since when did America worry about other countries' people??? What about China or North Korea or Cuba? They keep talking about WMD... which country has the largest arsenal? Which is the ONLY country to have used it? Not once but twice!!

For all the peace lovers out there, peace is accomplished through war as in World war I and II. In a different context, India would have gone to war with Pak in 1947 itself rather than going to the UN.

Huh? WW1 and WW2 were for peace? that is news to me. Maybe there never was a Hitler maybe the holocaust was a myth.

con - it is very difficult to win the hearts of the people of Iraq since they always consider Americans as aggressors. Man, am I on a rampage.

lol then why the hell do they call it "Iraqi freedom"? To show concern and compassion for people who dont give a rat's ass? The same people who'd like you to be dead? Okay... Saddam is out of power and supposedly powerless... then why the heck do you want to chase him all the way into Syria? Sounds like personal vendetta to me! You think the world is gonna support you cuz you want to take out anybody who disagrees? Maybe the ones across the pond... they have been kissing a queen's feet anyway! A queen... in the 21st century!

To answer your question... I dont think you are on a rampage at all but your friends at the fox news may differ!

jan07_track: Mine was an EB3 and I dont think it matters.