passport stamped at NYC

Anita Gupta

Registered Users (C)
Guys: Got curtesy copy yesterday, got my passport stamped today at Federal Plaza downtown as it gave me Fridays aapointment. Went at 10:45, out by 1:15, no problems (except for this damn flu I have). Not too many poeple there. Haven'y done the SS# thing yet. Too tired to do that yet.
Ooo! what happened A.G.? Too much partying over the last few days :D Sorry to hear about your flu.. hope you feel better.

Congratulations on getting rid of the modern version of Shackles & Chains a.k.a. the I-94
Originally posted by Anita Gupta
Yes, too much partying till I collapsed. My boyfriend walked out on me for being a party-pooper :(

Uh oh! sorry to hear that :(. It's tough when that happens, more difficult when powerful feelings are involved.

(And like all friends, now I will try and focus on the bright side... but there is nothing friends can do - TIME has the only answer)

So, on the bright side, you are free - free of INS, free of boyfriend.. you can move anywhere you want in the US - try the West coast for a change. I have always wanted to go out there, never managed to do it though (except for a short trip)..

Or do a cross country road trip [The whole I-90, Pacific Highway 101, I-10, I-95 thing] ... or take a trip to India to see family. Diwali is around the corner - Nov 4th.

It makes it easy sometimes - to step out of your everyday life for a few weeks...


I see you are up at 5:22 A.M. - and I thought I set the standards in late nite message posting on this board
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lamborghini: couldn't sleep very well so I was up. I don't want to move to the west coast - I love NYC too much.

Now wait atleast 4 weeks for the AVM to change to "cards ordered". Mine changed on 9/24 (stamping on 8/30). I think the overall experince in NYC is pretty pleasant in comparison to others I have read. Except for parking, everything was very convenient.

Best of luck.
Cards received

Passport stamped at NYC : Sep 6th
Card received: Sep 27th

I didn't even get a chance to check the AVM again!

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!3 weeks b/w stamping and the card. That's fabulous. Can't beat that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

do i really need to change the information at the social security office? anyone know how long it takes in NY?
I need to find out about SS# myself. I asked the INS officer doing the stamping and she told me to contact the local SS office
I got that done at my local SS office. They take the old one back and send the new one in 1-2 wks with the text on top (for work only as suthorized by INS) taken off.

I think it is good to have an updated one.
I think its good to have the SS updated mainly because I have heard that even though you have your green card, certain places refuse to let you work for monetary benifit when the see the "Authorized for work by INS...." stuff on your card. The process took me less than 5 minutes at the local SS office. I didn't even have to fill any forms. All the lady asked me was for my ss # and my passport with the stamp. She then verified the authenticity of the stamp, updated my address, printed out a sheet with all the required information, asked me to sign it and said I'd receive an updated card in two weeks. That's it.