Passport Renewal vs. Visa Renewal Question


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  My passport expires in July 2003. My I-94 is valid till Jan 2003 and I since I switched job, I have an I-797 approval (with new I-94) until Aug 2004. If I want to revalidate my visa, I suspect that since my passport is not valid until the time I want visa, I may not get visa stamped for entire duration of my approval. If I get my passport renewed, what happenns to the visa in the passport that is still valid? Has any one gone through a similar situation?

Please advice.

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well first send in your passport for validation after you get your passport send in for revalidation of your visa. when you send in your passport they cancel the old passport and issue you a new one and send the old passport along with the new one. after you receive both the passports you can send it for revalidation of visa.