Passport Application sent back -name not on son's birth certificate. Affidavit required...


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Hi there,

So, things have gone swimmingly for us so far.. but just hit a small snag - so was checking.. Situation so far -

We got Naturalized last month(wife and I).
Got our passports and for our younger son(he was born in South Africa has a birth certificate with his name on it :)).
Our older son (14 year old) was born in India and has a typical birth Ceritificate from New Delhi which says "... male child born to XXXXXX and YYYYY..." - NO NAME :mad:

So, just got a letter from Dept of State asking us to get an Affidavit(form DS-10a) signed by a blood relative who knows his circumstances of birth etc.. luckily for us, my brother lives here in NJ and will sign the Affidavit...

Was just checking whether there are others who have gone through this?


Thanks in Advance!!

We got a similar response for our 14 yr old son born in India. In the letter, The State Dept. just sated that mother's name is not listed in the BC (the certificate read as "Mr/Mrs My Name"). They did not ask for specifically affidavit but to submit a BC indicating the relationship. I got a BC from Indian Embassy in Wash. DC indicating father's and mother's name and submitted last week. Waiting for State Dept. response.

Did you get the passport for you son after submitting the affidavit? Also, what form is this, you mentioned DS-10a and their web site has DS-10.



Does Indian Embassy give birth certificates to US citizens who were born in India ? Technically, your son is US citizen at the moment you got citizenship.

The reason I am asking this is because I have my own birth certificate done from Indian Embassy in DC years ago when I was Indian Citizen, not sure how they will handle anyone who is no more an Indian citizen(like your son).

The way I looked at it is that BC in the requested format can only be given by an authorized agency who has knowledge of father and mother of the applicant. Indian Embassy because of son's Indian passport has that information which they wrote in a letterhead. In other words, its a statement of fact which can come from any authorrized agency.

I checked their web site and the requirement is that the form should be signed by an Indian Citizen. I asked a friend (Indian Citizen) to apply and sign as I can not sign the form. I am hoping it works as State Dept wants to see the BC in the format where father's and mother's name is written and my son's BC did not have it very clealy mentioned. Let's see what response I get from State Dept.

Thanks for the info !!!

Its a great idea to have someone who is Indian citizen sign th application. But apart from the Date of Birth & Parents Name did they write that your son is a Indian Citizen? I am asking this because they wrote my parents name and DOB as well as Indian Citizen on the birth certificate given to me.

They did not wite Indian Citizen but in parentheses they mentioned Indian Passport No. I asked about taking it out, to that they said they can't as it is the basis of the BC. Let's see, how the Passport Agency take this info.


Just to add to my prvious reply, I did mention to them that BC in the required format is required for applying for US Passport.
Thanks Delliwala for detailed info!! I think it should work...

I have not got anything for my son from State Dept but when I closely looked at his birth certificate it has My First Name/My Wife's First Name as parents name. Nowhere it has our Last Name. So I was just wondering what I will do if I receive something back from State Department.

Would it help if I get DS-10A done in India? Fortunanetly someone is coming from my hometown in next 2-3 days. When I saw the DS-10A the first point is

1) Name of Person whose birth in United Stated is to be proved ..

which is not the case with our children. Did you modify the DS-10A ?
d4pk, I thought about that.. I am going to call Dept of State tomorrow and ask them. I have regular affidavits signed by my cousins in India about our sons birth details. We used that to get his Green Card.. will let you know what DoS says.
Tiranga008, You can download DS10 and then open it with FOXIT Reader. You can then fill the form and then select the "TEXT" tool and highlight " in the United States" in point 1. Then right click and select " strikeout". It will print a Red Line over the 4 words and then you can get it executed by your relative. Just my 2 cents
Thanks d4pk, but, just talked to a Dept of State rep (yes they are open till 10 PM EST and I caught a very helpful person at 10 PM EST:D:D:))

Here is the net - she agreed that the DS-10a does not apply to our son.
We have earlier Notarized Indian Affidavits(used during the GC process) signed by my cousins in India stating his birth details.
I am sending those back to DoS.
The CSR on the phone said that she would put in a note on the application and someone from DoS will call either my wife or me to discuss.

I will call our local Senator if this drags on too long.

Will keep things updated here.. would request you folks to do the same.


Got my son's Passport Book, both BCs and Green Card today by FedEx Overnight Pririty. Hopefully, the Passport Card also comes in the coming days. Let you guys know, when I receice the PC.


Getting a BC from Indian Consulate/Embassy based on Passport seems to work. I think we should go ahead and do that as well..

d4pk - I just got an email from DoS stating that my son's passport is processed and we should get it on the 13th (with a tracking number). I will keep you updated. If its true then the Indian Affidavits have worked.. if not, yes, I will go with your suggestion.

delliwala and tirangi008

Did you guys also sent original marriage certificate when you applied for your son passport.
