Part-time work experience conversion Formula


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Hello Experts,
I have a strange situation. My labor was filed in July 2006 stating that I have Masters with 2yrs of experience, but I graduated in December 2004. So it only adds upto 1yr 7mths of work experience. Now my attorney states that my labor is invalid and we have to re-apply.

Can I claim the 20hrs/week job (RA work in my Univ) as work experience. If so how to convert the part-time work experience into equivalent full-time experience.

I heard that INS uses a formula to convert part-time experience into full-time experience (its not just straight part-time experience = Full-time Experience divided by 2).

Please help me, so that I can use the current labor by justifying my Univ. work experience.

I am not an expert, but this is based on best of my knowledge.

You can file under EB-2, if you have Masters Degree or Bachelor plus 5 years of work experience.

For instance, if you received your BS degree in May 2007, and land in job, you are eligible to file under EB-2 in May 2012 (assuming that you find a job and is being employed full time since your convocation)

If you have worked in 2006 or any year before your Graduation, USCIS won't count that as an experience and won't let you file under EB2. Your experience must be after your received your BS degree.

For Masters, you can file it immediately after having it, stating MS + 0 under EB2. If you graduate on May 2007, you can file it right after it. If you have worked even FULLTIME before May 2007 for 3 years, you cannot file under
EB2 stating you have MS + 3 Years of experience.

But if you have worked 3 years prior to receive your BS degree, you can still claim BS + 3 years to be qualified under EB3.