Part-Time Consultant Job, HIB and USCIS


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This is a sort of a general question that came up during a discussion in my office:

If an immigrant is working in the USA on a an employer sponsored H1B and engaged in a part-time work (without a second work permit) for which s/he was issued a 1099, how does USCIS find out that such activity has taken place? Is USCIS notified when s/he files taxes or if reports are made to social security?

Thanks - LM
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Basically you're asking if breaking a law is safe. It usually is not.

There are many ways for USCIS to find out about your illegal employment. For example - a disgruntled client, or maybe someone who wanted the contracting job that you got, or even worse - an employee that was fired and replaced by you. Each of them can just call the ICE hot-line and tip them off...

Oh, and maybe the IRS will report income unsuitable for your status, who knows. Want to try and find out?

In any case, crime usually doesn't pay. You can steal from a grocery store and not get caught, if the security guard is sleepy. Would you count on that?