Parents visa rejected at Chennai


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My parents request for a visitors visa was rejected yesterday at the Chennai consulate. I made the stupid mistake of not asking for the interview in my native tongue since my Dad speaks English just fine. But my mom doesnt. So, the consuler officer asked mom a question and my Dad tried to answer for her. When she( the consular officer was a young lady) asked why my mom couldn't reply, my Dad told her that she did not speak English. At that point, the officer seemed visibly upset that my parents did not take an appointment in the native toungue.

After that, she asked my Dad a few quick questions:

1) Why are you going to the U.S?
Reply: To visit my son and for tourism

2) How long are you planning to stay there?
Reply: 3 months

3) How may children do you have?
Reply: 3

4) Who's the one in U.S?
Reply: My oldest

5) What does he do?
Reply: He works as a Software Engineer for such and such company.

At this point, my Dad pushed in the file with all my supporting documents. The officer seemed to just browse through the documents quickly and returned it right away and said that she was unable to issue the visa under 214b.

Throughout the interview, she did not ask for a single document. And this officer was also rejecting a lot of people without really asking a lot of questions or looking at documentation.

I got another appointment for September but this is also in English since the appointment dates for my native tongue are all gone. I'll have to wait till the dates open up again.

Does anyone know when dates for new months become available? Also, how may times can my parents apply for a visitors visa?
Good luck

Sorry dude. Don't worry, your parents will get visa next time. What I observed is dates change every friday if there are any cancellations. So keep checking dates very often. Your parents can appear any number of times for Visa. I don't think there is limit. My mother got visa second time.

Good luck
Thanks for the encouragment arv_99. I am glad that your mom got the visa the second time around. Was she also rejected with a 214(b)?
My Dad said that he would have been happier if he was given a "real" reason for the rejection instead of just being given a paper explaining 214(b). He said that he was never given a chance to explain anything. The lady wouldn't even let him finish talking. How can those consular officers be so callous?
I was able to get an appointment in Telugu at Chennai for 29th September, 2005. I had to continously monitor the website to see if an opening popped up. I will again monitor the website to see if an earlier date shows up and grab it.
My mother's visa got rejected for the same reason(214b). She did show all the ties with the home country:
She works in a private company in India.
Her husband.
Her widowed mother
Eldest daughter(married) stays in home country
and she did take all the paper work of the property attested by a CA.

So now I have to take another appointment(is that right)? She understands and speaks english very well but flustered at the appointment time while answering questions due to the accent of the interviewing lady.
Is it okay if I take an appointment in our native language the next time around? I am not sure how this works.
Any help is appreciated.
Yes, you will have to take another appointment. And it should be fine to take an appointment in your native tongue. That is exactly what I did for my parents yesterday.