parents applying for canadian PR


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my father is 58 years of age,retired after 30 years of working as a mechanical engineer. MY parents are in india and would like to apply for canadian PR; since i am in the U.S(a border town of canada). following are my questions:
1) what are the chances of his getting the Canadian PR at his age if he can show enough resettlement funds and work experience?
2) he has a minor heart condition.would that be any cause for concern during the medical examination?
any advice on this matter would be appreciated.
Similar situation

I too am interested in finding an answer to this question.
In my case, I have already started the Canadian GC for myself at Buffalo.
My question is, will there be any issues for me to sponsor my parents after I becaome a Canadaian PR?
not same!

gkp: you\'re not in the same situation as your parents are not applying themselves for the Candaian PR. that said, it will depend on your funds availability and other records of your parents which will decide their PR. First, get your PR cleared, get settled in Canada, (apartment, job, etc.) then the question of PR for the parents will come.
Thanks for the response. I agree my situation is not identical to the first

question, but my question was targetted towards getting some feedback on any potential issues which would prevent me from sponsoring my parents. Also was looking for responses of people having any experiences in having done the same.
But I appreciate your insight on the timeline/sequence and priority of events.
The main reason

1) what are the chances of his getting the Canadian PR at his age if he can show enough resettlement funds and work experience?
 The reason nobody replied to you is that at age of 58 he will have it very difficult to immigrate Canada in Independent Cat, the application if he files will be 80% rejected because the new regulations need more recent exp in job/skill, Funds are secondary critera and only having enough funds will not qualify him

2) he has a minor heart condition.would that be any cause for concern during the medical examination?
 It can also be a problem as Canada govt does not want the people who will be burden on Canada health system, the only alternative I see is you should get your PR of Canada and later you can sponser them.