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overstaying visa in 3d country


Registered Users (C)
Dear friends,
I'm new to here, just happy to find this forum. I have a question, if one overstyed her visa in 3d country, does it affect obtaining DV visa?
Sorry for my poor english.
Hope anyone will answer to help me :)
In theory no, USCIS won't care UNLESS you have problems on your police report for that 3rd country. I'm not sure whether your overstaying would be on a police report or not, I suppose it depends whether you have been "noticed" by the authorities in that country.
just to add more explanation (I do get extensive sometimes): if you lived outside your own country for more than one year (where you overstayed the visa), for immigration purposes you will have to obtain the police certificate from that country (you will probably request the police certificate via the embassy of that country).
You have a problem if that country for example refuses to issue the police certificate for you