out of usa while on f1 status reg.


Registered Users (C)

I came to USA in jan 06 on F1 status and I completed my first semester(spring) and I came to Canada to visit my sister. Now I wish to take a break during the Fall semester and stay in Canada for that time. I contacted the International student advisor at my University in USA and was told that if I can take the break but if I am out of USA for more than 5 months I would have to, yet again, build time towards OPT. I had not registered for any courses during the summer semester and I came to Canada in May 06 and I've been here for a month now.

I'd like to know from you

1. If I go to USA in mid august and apply for the break and return to Canada would then the 5 month restriction start from the day that I last leave USA?

2. Would my old I20 be valid after I apply for a break and can I use it to return to Canada?

I'd appreciate any help that you can give. Thank you for your time.


These are US visa related - student life specific - questions and better get answered from your International Student Advisor. Getting advised by the professionals in your school is much better than getting opinions on this (cdn issue related) forum.

1. If I go to USA in mid august and apply for the break and return to Canada would then the 5 month restriction start from the day that I last leave USA?

2. Would my old I20 be valid after I apply for a break and can I use it to return to Canada?

I'd appreciate any help that you can give. Thank you for your time.
Thanks for that. I didnt realize this visa was for travel visa issues between USA and Canada.