OT - Visitor Visa Refused - Help Please


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I was in India to get my mother with me during the December vacations.

We went for personal interview on 23rd December 2003 and officer refused to issue the visa under 214 (b) section.

Following are the questions asked by the officer:

Q1 How many kids you have?
A1 2, a son and a daughter (Married and settled)
Q2 Who takes care of your expenses in India (since my father passed away three years back)?
A2 My son.
Q3 Where do you live?
A3 In India, I own a house.

Thats it, and got the refusal letter.

FYI NO issues with the documentation, it was complete as required by US embassy.

I have taken another appointment for 12 January 2004 and would really appreciate if you guys help me with your comments, so that my mother could get the visa approved.

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Try taking another appointment. 214(b) is something intending to go US and settle down. that is, potential immigration. You might have to change some documents like I-131 form etc... your sponsor letter etc... with fresh dates.

This advice is not an official, do it at your own risk.

RD : Jul 2002.
ND : Jul 2002.
FP : Se[ 2002.
try to provide proof that your mother has strong ties with her home country. Show the title/registration of the house, bank balance, proof of other property that she owns etc.
The consular officer will not ask for these documents but she must offer them as proof that she will come back to India after her temporary stay in US.
When u apply again after a refusal the consular officer will say something like "has your situation changed since the last interview ?". Your mother should say that she has new documents to prove that she will come back after her stay in US.
Best of luck.
Its humiliating but try your best.
I don't want to discourage you. The same thing happened to me. We re-applied again, and on the VISa form DS156 there is a section whcih will say Is ur visa been refused earlier... U need to check YEs to it. We did it and applied for the VISa after 6 months, they normally ask u to wait that much longer because if u apply for the visa immiediately, they will have a doubt that you might have provided false documents to bring ur mother to US in such a short period. I would suggest u to wait for another few more months, have strong ducomentation and they re-apply.

If u still want to go ahead, then pls do so....

Appreciate your comments, can you please elaborate, what kind of strong documentation you would recommend.

The reason of asking this question is, because in my best knowledge I have prepared all the required documents from my side and from my mother side, which they did not care to even check completely as per my mother.
I would agree with H1Buser2002. They say that you should reapply when your situation has changed in any way. Reapplying too early might cause them to be skeptical.
Moreover the consular officer will not specifically ask for certain documents, its the applicant's duty to offer the documentary evidence.
I was denied thrice for student visa on the same grounds. The first time I thought I would be asked to show the documents. I didn't even get 2 minutes to talk. Second time, I went the following week and the visa officer refused to talk saying that I was applying with the same documents once again and the result will be the same as the first application.
Anyway, my opinion would be to wait for a few months and try again.
There used to be a rule that once you apply 3 times and are still denied you cannot apply within an year of your last denial. I don't know if that rule is still in effect.

one mistake you did is you mentioned that your mother is depending on you financially ...

just my openion

Do you have grandparents or anyone elderly ...

that you may say live with your mom - or she takes care of them...

just throwing ideas!
submit a personal letter


Submit a personal request letter to the giving details about where you work, contact details and also mension that "she will return back to India before the the date and may contact me for any further information at xxx-xxx-xxxx". This will help them to track the visitors.

This is what I think you should add to the information..

First you will be wholly responsible for her stay and expenses in US..

But in india she has here own income may be bank balance or any other property.. Try to get the property evaluated and make a document of it.

Perferably say that she has a kind of small business.. which she needs to take care of..
We attached her property docuements and Bank statements to prove that she has strong ties and bank balances in India, but no effects...

I sent all the letters and supported documentation that is needed to sponser my mother, inculding those of few of you guys mentioned in your replies.

Don't know what else I could do, my mother is 61 year old and any body can say that she doesn't work or have no business by just seeing her face, and yes its true that she is totally dependent on me.

Will the thruth work for me this time? Last time it didn't....