Original employment letter or copy?


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My attoney only used a copy of my employment letter and he said everything
can be copy in filing of AOS. But I found from some lawyers\' websites that
original employment letter is REQUIRED. On the otherhand, I also found from
INS website about AOS filing guideline and it does not mention that employment letter must be original.

I think my attorney just used the minimum set of documents.
for example, (1) latest paystab, 2000 federal tax return only (not 3 yrs).
             (2) No I-20s.
             (3) I have two H1-Bs, only the last one is incldued.
             (4) No police clearance.

It looks like to me that there is no precise requirement about which documents are required from INS. Each attorney does things a little differently.

Any comments, folks?

Originals are not required at all.

I do not any lawyers asking to submit originals. Don\'t worry INS just needs just copies. But if you are asked to attend interview you can take the originals with you.

you are fine. your attorney is competent and he knows his job.He has done the right thing.