original AP taken at bombay immigration


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Hi All,

At first when my husband Advance parole documents are approved, he got 3 original documents of AP's, we understood they are given to travel 3 times in the transition period before getting our GC.

My husband went to india for a short trip. while he was returning the immigration officer at bombay took a original Advance parole certificate permanently. Is this right? i mean are they suppose to take orginal. But when he came to US his old I-94 was taken and new stay date was issued on his another original AP certificate.

Now he has only 2 originals.

Any advise is appreciated.

Sometimes they take many times they don't. Don't worry. They provide 3 documents for 3 trips. So don't worry.

The immigration officer should not have taken the original. You should always carry 2-3 photocopies of the Ap and submit only these copies to immigration and airlines.

Anyway, in your husbands case, this should not create any problems as he still has two originals with him. Just make sure next time you take copies and only give copies and not originals. Also the notion that 3 original AP's are given for 3 trips is wrong. You can use the same (ONE) AP over and over again.