Order of ducuments to submit while applying N-400?


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Could anyone help me out in telling the order in which I Need to paper click all the documents like
1. N-400
2. Photos
3. Checks
4. Divorce copy
5. anything else?

in what order do I need to place them and paper clip them?
documents needed for N-400 application

In addition to what you have stated I would include copies of your passport and green card. Note that you should have N-400, check and photos on top. all other supporting documents can be attached along with the application. Make sure you have a copy of all documents you are sending including your application. Hope this is helpful
I don't think order matters that much. In my case I didn't even clip anything, just put things in the envelope in some sort of order, i.e. all the N-400 together, the copy of the GC (Green Card) the pictures (in their photo store envelope) and the check.

At the least I think you should include also a photocopy of both sides of your GC. Check the guide to naturalization as suggested.

My 2 cents.
Thank you for the information provided.... I totally forgot about the Green Card copie and also question on that is that we need to just take black/white copy or color copy of the green card?
My Passport is damaged with water so I was recommended by my friends NOT to send its copies as its not required, is that ok?
Black and white photocopy is fine. I didn't submit any copy of passport. I don't think it is needed, unless the guide to naturalization asks you for this in your particular case (I don't have the guide in front of me and don't know if there is any case in which this is asked for). My case is pretty straightforward and I just sent the Green Card photocopy, black and white. Probably it is a good idea to take the passport to your interview, sometimes it is asked for.