online Msg different from AVM


Registered Users (C)
One of my friends case has different status on Online and AVM.
The AVM still plays the old Msg. But the online status says the case approved.
His RD is 28/09/01.

Any Ideas as to what is going on????
Same situation

I am in the same situation. My case says approve on oct 11 but AVM plays old song... dont know why
Same case with AP renewal Here.

Online message says AP was approved on 10/11/2002, but the AVM still has the old message. Looks like they haven't update the AVM for cases approved on 10/11.

I think AVM is updated by a batch process which might be running every few days. But I guess the online is real-time. That could be the reason. Anyway, congrats to you and have fun!!

- Kiran
My case was little different

I had other way around in my case. I heard that over the phone my plastic card was ordered but I haven't seen the changes online till next day afternon. So I guess it differs from person to person.