online case status check! CONFUSED!

I just checked the online case status for me and my wife. I am the primary applicat by the way. And this is what it says!

for me:

On February 3, 2003, the results of your fingerprint review for your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status were received, and processing has resumed on your case. We will mail you a notice if further action is needed, or when a decision is made.

for my wife:

On April 7, 2003, the document we made based on the approval or registration of this case was mailed directly to the person to whom issued.

Now my questions is, does this mean, my wife's I485 is approved and mine is not? even though I am the primary applicant? I think our files got separated since we even went for our fingerprinting separately. Me in January and her in February of this year.

Any comment guys?

From my understanding, your AVM/Online has been updated with your FP results. While your wife's AVM/Online still says that she was mailed an FP notice. Her case is not approved.

When did you do your FP? If it's been more than 15 days, try to call FBI and TSC to know if her FP was "unclassifiable".

what's 'unclassified'?

She had her fingerprinting done in Feruary. and I did mine on the 25th of Jan. I called FBI after her fingerprinting and they said they alreday sent it to INS.
Check the Voice message

Looks like your wife's 485 is approved and may be your's too. Not allways they update the online and Voice mail .

For example:
My wife and me did the FP, but voice message says they received FP results for both, but online status for my wife still says the old message about they sending the notice of receipt for her 485 application and may take 900+ days.

Looks like your cases are approved or got a RFE.
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Mostly Fingerprinting

As for as i think it is about finger printing, but let me as you one more question....

How did you do finger printing for your wife.

1) You picked her Finger printing notice in your mail Box?

2) You got your wifes finger printing notice from Lawyer

3) You recently moved and you have not recieved your wifes finger printing notice into your mail box

If your answer to q2, q3 is YES then i'm positive that it is about
your wifes finger printing notice document.
It is hard to predict our center however it sounds like your wife's 485 is approved.
sorry! don't get your hopes up.

I have the same AVM/online message. I did my FP in Jan 03.
My wives' AVM/Online says "FP received blah blah blah..."

Turns out TSC sent another notice to get my FP done after I had done mine in Jan 03 (had to call on 11/2002 to get the FP notice issued). The letter went to my old address, it got returned (post office does not forward), TSC mailed it again, then I got it. Here's the kicker: the 1st mailed date on this FP notice is Feb 20th 2003,FP appointment is Jan 16th 2003. I guess I'm supposed to get into a time machine and go backwards. From what I have seen time/space laws do not apply yo TSC, but unfortunately they apply to us.

Make sure you call TSC and ask the IIO to get their butt to the other system and verify that they have received your FP, do not tell them that you'r wives' is updated otherwise they'll just tell you to go check the online by yourself. good luck
more confused now:)

guys! I'm more confused now.
My wife's finger printing came in the mail and also to the lawyer. They sent her finger printing notice after calling and calling. First notice was backdated ( the whole gamut of timemachine scenario!) and teh second one came after she went for the fingerprinting with teh old notice. so we just ignored the second notice. and now this! What do we do? i contacted my lawyers office and they said they don't know what it means, they will wait till next week to see what is going on when they get somethingin mail.


I have read in some of the other threads that it may be better to go ahead and do FP again with the second notice. As screwed up as the system is if they only show the second notice being sent to you(maybe it overwrites the first notice ) and there is no corresponding set of FP clearances from FBI they may say you did not do your FP at all! I would not take the chance and do it again with the second FP Notice, just to be safe.
See my earlier reply

As for as i think this is what could have happend and that's
why your wife second notice went to lawyer. Post office
does not foward/ does not sends forwarding address to
INS unless you order family moving for forward address or your
wifes last name does not match with yours as for as INS letters.

So i guess your wifes FP notice sent to your old address has been
sent back telling it's not valid address. Since INS does not know
your wifes present address then just sent to lawyer again. Let me
know what you are doing. I'm in same situation.

My origianl FP was scheduled for April 3rd and lawyer recieved it
on March 10th and went and done FP for myself and wife on March 21st. Mails sent to my old address and got back to INS
for mine with forwarding address and my wife without forwarding
address. INS reposted mine recieved on March 29th 4 days before
scheduled date, Ignored it thinking its a copy. Now then sent another to me with FP date April 24th. My lawyer also got copy for my wife which was sent back from post office.

TCS did not seem to use new address eventhough i called them
and updated my address. If i call IIO he says my new correct address is on file. However when they post they use old address.

Moral of the story is don't change address or expect some messups from TSC. i guess :confused: :mad: