one of my friend from August got approved

Thanks and Congratulations to your friend. Looks like VSC is \'spreading\' hopes...

Good in a way!
patienceGC..No doubt u are a dumbass, The name it self indicates

patienceGC..No doubt u are a dumbass, The name it self indicates
Please convey our congratulations to your friend.

If my guess is right, based on this approval, we may find approvals of ND (Oct 10 to Oct 1) and ((Oct 15 to Oct 11) or (Oct 15 to Oct 20)) . I am guessing based on the approvals last month and this week. This week, one Oct 15th ND guy\'s file moved to local INS according to him ("Hickory" Aug 20th RD). Watch out keeping this in mind. These dates may go parallely ie; approvals of Oct 1-10 or 11-20