One more approval


Registered Users (C)
One of my friend got approved yesterday 12/16
His ND was 1/14/02.

I am waiting for mine now.
Hey Sachdev

I'm hoping for mine too then. Sachdev my ND is pretty close to you. Couple weeks after yours.

Hi curryus,

Good to know that. To be very frank with you, I am expecting some movement in my case some time next July-Sept. If it comes before that, it will be a pleasant surprice for me. 15 months have passed pretty fast since my AD and another 7 to 8 months wait is not going to bother me much.

Good luck man ! You are doing a good job on the forum. Keep it up.


When I read the post, similar thoughts went through my mind. But i restrained myself from commenting fearing the wrath from honourable members.

BTW it was a good one

:D :D :D
Isn't that the beauty of internet forums such as these? None of us really know each other and therefore can afford to crack a few at one another without worrying about revealing who is behind the carefuly constructed e-personas!

In any case, once you cross the seven seas, there is no more "honour" left. We are all condemned to rot in hell!:D