Old cases help line

Can we send a fax

Can we send a 485 fax inquiry to INS even though the JIT reports says 01/01/01. Will the INS respond to this fax or they will ignore it !!!!

My RD is April 16,2001 , I am really started to get worried and I feel that I need to do something about it.

Thanks for the help


I\'ve never called INS, how on earth can we talk to them if their line is always busy !!!!!!

I will try to call them this week.
You will need to keep redialing till you get through.

Then you need to press 0 to talk to IIO.
The whole process may take about 1-2 hours.
How many handles of the remaining people in APRIL/MAY are active?

I remember counting only 8 handles in April pening cases thread.
This means 22-8 = 13 could be inactive on this forum and should be declared so unless otherwise proven.

Similar way, how many of May 2001 pending cases are still active?
I remember a thread of pending cases for May 2001 also.
Does anyone have statistics on that ?

I am confused with sweeping theory of INS jumping to July, August, September all over the map while keeping A lot of May, June folks still hanging.

Theory - new theory - this thory - that theory - why can\'t INs publish some guidelines on their criteria to work on cases.

God Bless America !!!
try this link for help to call IIO

Dee Rod "****faq - method to call iio at csc" 2/26/02 3:51pm
No Title

I have talked to IIO twice. Both times I called them in the afternoon between 2:30 and 3 (PST). Both times I got thru in about 5-10 minutes and about 15-20 minutes wait (on hold) after that.
Donno whether that particular time of day is less busy or whether it was just luck that i got thru
RD=4/26, I feel th same. Can we send fax?

I have a question. Will it have negative effect if we send fax before our RD reaches the JIT report\'s date? I called IIO two weeks ago and was told that my case was assigned to an officer.I called yesetrday againand a different IIO said my case is not assigned to athe case officer yet and will be assigned any time. I am confussed and worry about it. What can we do? Please advise.

No Title


My case has been approved recently. I did fax to INS for three times. My case got approved within a month after I did my first fax. So I think it is worth doing it.

good luck!
RD 4/19,2001 Nd 6/20

Hey!! looks like we both are in the same boat....Mine is EB3...FP done in last week of Nov. last yr?? how about urself??