OK this is it? Do you want to know when is your turn. Then Come on everybody ........ July Auguest S


Registered Users (C)
There is no way to know when is your turn.
So you have a choice. if you come in to this queue in the order of your EAC number or Receipt date. We can figure out who get approved and where He/She belongs in the queue.
So I start the queue with my name and EAC or ND
So you can copy this part and add in your name and re-post in the order.
Help us by modifing this when you are approved. Anyone can do that for others if they see some one in the queue is approved. because some people dont care after they are approved.

OK Lets start .......
Name EAC Recipt date(Optional)

..add your here or

Hope_Less(Waiting..) 00-280 Aug 30
prad(Waiting..) 00-281 Aug 31

...add yours here
No Title

I am doing this for jia,rahpraj and CM S because they have there dates posted in september gang post
Name EAC Recipt date(Optional)

CM S (Wait ..) 00-265 Aug 15
rahpraj(Waiting..) 00-267 Aug 17
Hope_Less(Waiting..) 00-280 Aug 30
prad(Waiting..) 00-281 Aug 31
jia(Waiting) 00-281 Sep 1
No Title

     July2000(Waiting) EAC-00-221, July 14, EB-2
     CM S (Waiting...) EAC-00-265, Aug 15
      Rahpraj(Waiting..) EAC- 00-267, Aug 17
      Hope_Less(Waiting..) EAC-00-280, Aug 30
      prad (Waiting..) EAC- 00-281, Aug 31
      jia(Waiting) EAC-00-282, Sep 1
No Title

Come on july : July2000
You are all the way up in the queue.

Name EAC Recipt date(Optional)
July2000(Wait) EAC-00-221, July 14, EB-2
CM S (Wait ..) 00-265 Aug 15
rahpraj(Waiting..) 00-267 Aug 17
Hope_Less(Waiting..) 00-280 Aug 30
prad(Waiting..) 00-281 Aug 31
jia(Waiting) 00-281 Sep 1
No Title

Please keep the order

June , July Go first in the queue

Setember October last in the queue .
No Title

Name EAC Recipt date(Optional)
July2000(Wait).....00-221, July 14, EB-2
CM S (Wait ..).....00-265 Aug 15
rahpraj(Waiting)...00-267 Aug 17
Hope_Less(Waiting).00-280 Aug 30
prad(Waiting..)....00-281 Aug 31
jia(Waiting).......00-281 Sep 1
OCT2000(Waiting)...01-040 Oct 27
No Title

What do you mean by Receipt date? Is it RD or ND? AVM says ND as Receipt Date but Actual RD is different! So which one you are talking about here?
No Title

   Name EAC Recipt date(Optional)
   July2000(Wait).....00-221, July 14, EB-2
   CM S (Wait ..).....00-265 Aug 15
   rahpraj(Waiting)...00-267 Aug 17
   Hope_Less(Waiting).00-280 Aug 30
   prad(Waiting..)....00-281 Aug 31
   jia(Waiting).......00-281 Sep 1
   OCT2000(Waiting)...01-040 Oct 27
   aGCSeeker(Waiting)...01-018 Sep 26
No Title

aGCSeeker, You are wrong. You are up in the queue before OCt2000

Come on Guys Do it right ...

   Name EAC Recipt date(Optional)
   July2000(Wait).....00-221, July 14, EB-2
   CM S (Wait ..).....00-265 Aug 15
   rahpraj(Waiting)...00-267 Aug 17
   Hope_Less(Waiting).00-280 Aug 30
   prad(Waiting..)....00-281 Aug 31
   jia(Waiting).......00-281 Sep 1
   aGCSeeker(Waiting)...01-018 Sep 26
   OCT2000(Waiting)...01-040 Oct 27
No Title

Someone please take the responsibility to correct the queue.
I have limited access to internet and will not be visiting very often .
No Title

Then Lets Specify both the dates RD and ND.
Those things does not matter as long as EAC number is in oreder.
So EAC is more important.
No Title

   Name EAC Recipt date(Optional)
   Kannan(waiting)....00-137, March 31st
   July2000(Wait).....00-221, July 14, EB-2
   CM S (Wait ..).....00-265 Aug 15
   rahpraj(Waiting)...00-267 Aug 17
   Hope_Less(Waiting).00-280 Aug 30
   prad(Waiting..)....00-281 Aug 31
   jia(Waiting).......00-281 Sep 1
   aGCSeeker(Waiting)...01-018 Sep 26
   OCT2000(Waiting)...01-040 Oct 27
No Title

   Name EAC Recipt date(Optional)
   Net( waiting) ---- 00-131, March 28,EB2,FP:03/21/01:NO RFE
   Kannan(waiting)....00-137, March 31st
   July2000(Wait).....00-221, July 14, EB-2
   CM S (Wait ..).....00-265 Aug 15
   rahpraj(Waiting)...00-267 Aug 17
   Hope_Less(Waiting).00-280 Aug 30
   prad(Waiting..)....00-281 Aug 31
   jia(Waiting).......00-281 Sep 1
   aGCSeeker(Waiting)...01-018 Sep 26
   OCT2000(Waiting)...01-040 Oct 27