Off-Topic: Suggest phone card to India


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Sorry for the off topic post guys. This is the only forum I know of thru which I can talk to people from India.

Please let me know of any good phone card to India which you have been using for a while.

I'm having a torrid time lately by trying out different phone cards and it's been a nightmare.

Sp please suggest good phone card to India.
You cant beat this

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All over India

$8.00 40 minutes No connecion fee 1 minute rounding

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Same card with $17.00 denomination 80 minutes
Try u have to call to big cities (hyd, blr, Del and such) the rates are real good..the card is excellent...$12-52mins... you should ask the operator to connect u through for this card cuz thats what they suggested me..and i never had a problem till now..hope fully u will not too...goodluck..
Desi Card

I have been using Desi Card which is really good and you get connected in no time... 1 minute rounding , no connection fee.

you get for 5$ for 17 mts or 10$ for 39 mts.. Actually when you use the card, it says 42 mts for 10$.. some indian stores sells for 4.50 and 9.00 if you pay cash

regarding 9278 its good if you buy a 10$ card and talk all 52 mts in one call.. Otherwise, they have a weekly maintenance fee and connection fee..:)