Off Topic: Countries not requiring Visas for US Permanent Residents


Registered Users (C)
Wanted to check if anyone knows of other countries not requiring a Tourist/Visitor Visa for US Permanent Residents with an Indian PP. The two that I know about are:

1) Canada: Accepts PP Stamp. Physical Card not required
2) Switzerland: Needs physical GC

Any other countries that dont need a visa.

MGI said:
Wanted to check if anyone knows of other countries not requiring a Tourist/Visitor Visa for US Permanent Residents with an Indian PP. The two that I know about are:

1) Canada: Accepts PP Stamp. Physical Card not required
2) Switzerland: Needs physical GC

Any other countries that dont need a visa.

Most countries in Europe .. I know Holland / Netherlands do not require a visa if you have a GC.
I think it depends on the country of your citizenship. Most of the Shengen coutnries require visas regardless of your US immigraiton status. Your ability to enter the Shengen region depends on the realtionship between your birth country and the EU, not US.
I am currently applying for a visa to Denmark for me and my husband and the application process doesn't seem to offer any exceptions for the GC-owners.
I know Canada, Switzerland, Netherland, and U.S. terriorites doesn't require visa if you have GC. Please note: US terriorites, that are part of U.S., include U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, Diego Gracia, and some U.S. pacific islands.

If you are on any U.S. immigration status such as H1, F1, L1, B1, B2, etc. or you have GC, they, of course, allow you to enter U.S. terriorites without any problem ONLY IF
1) you fly/sail FROM U.S. mainland to any U.S terriority.
2) or you fly/sail from Alaska or Hawaii to any U.S. terriority.
3) or you fly/sail from any U.S. terriority to any other U.S. terriority such as from Puerto Rico to U.S. Virgin Islands.
*** they require you to show your passport and your immigration status. That's all. They won't let you to enter without your passport or immigration status.

How about the following countries:
1) Mexico (I know GC holders went to Mexico for holiday without visas. All they did is to show their green card and passport. correct?),
2) Caribbean countries such as Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Trindad & Tabago, spanish terriorities, and French terriorites (I think they require either French visa, Spanish visa, and British visa, but not sure),
3) Central American countries and
4) South American countries?
1) I tried looking up the Mexican Embassy's website but didn't find any information there.

2) Are we sure about the Netherlands - I believe they are part of the Schengen agreement and Indian PP's with US GC's need a visa.

3) Another one for the list is Thailand - they will issue a visa to Indian PP's on arrival (regardless of US GC status)

4) And of course Nepal
MGI said:
1) I tried looking up the Mexican Embassy's website but didn't find any information there.

2) Are we sure about the Netherlands - I believe they are part of the Schengen agreement and Indian PP's with US GC's need a visa.

3) Another one for the list is Thailand - they will issue a visa to Indian PP's on arrival (regardless of US GC status)

4) And of course Nepal

Mexico does not require Visa if you have a Physical Green Card. I did get that in writing from the Mexican Consulate, I just can't locate the email now. If I find it tomorrow at the office, I shall paste a copy of the email.

Another country that does not require visa is the Dominican Republic.
I had posted in another thread regarding all the Caribbean countries also. If you do a search for my posts you will possibly find that as well.
I have researched all embassies of many countries on the internet. Here's the list of countries that doesn't require a tourist visa for green card holder:

1) Mexico (physical green card/gc stamping and passport)
2) Canada (physical green card/gc stamping and passport)
3) Switzerland (physical green card and passport)
4) Jamica (physical green card and passport)
5) Costa Rica (physical green card and passport) for all green card holder. BUT green card holders from Palestine, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, China, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, and Algeria need a visa to enter Costa Rica.
6) Dominican Republic (physical green card and passport)

Hope this helps. :)
