October approvals > 25%!


Registered Users (C)
Looks nice. Hopefully we will see movement in the following weeks. But no matter how close we get ...

It aint over till its over!

Do you have any updates about your online status?

patienceGC -- Yesterday somebody adviced you to look at your online status. Do you have any updates on this?
25% and all that...

I just noticed in Rupnet that there are some 80 untouched cases in the August month. That's roughly 20% of all August cases. And, some 50 or so cases in July. Do we assume that these belong to the lesser participating souls on this forum or are these really untouched cases? Sept. still has over a third of its cases unadjudicated. Which brings me to ask the question (how so ever rhetorical it may seem): WTF are those friggin sons of b**ches and their mothers doing at the service centers??? It is ridiculous that we are paying for their life-long vacation!!!
WMg: if i had a penny for everytime i heard that

I'd be rich beyond my dreams!

breeze: I posted my EAC as 02-052-50-007. The 007 was a cheap shot at humor! I didnt think there would be a case with that number. My status remains the same ... your FP was received in FEB and we will let you know of a decision when hell freezes over and pigs fly!

Keep your spirits up, buddy. Quite a few people here draw inspiration from your (and Girish's and many others ) postings . Keep fighting for our sake.

___ Jai
RD 10/2/01
ND 12/3/01
PatienceGC, Did you really check your status???

If you have posted your real EAC #, I am sorry it looks like an indent to deny on Oct 31? Hope you could clear it.

- A well wisher from CSC

Thanks for the warning but i have explained my posting in t posting on this thread... after wheresmahgreen..

Sorry and thanks
Re: 25% and all that...

Originally posted by WheresMahGreen
I just noticed in Rupnet that there are some 80 untouched cases in the August month. That's roughly 20% of all August cases. And, some 50 or so cases in July. Do we assume that these belong to the lesser participating souls on this forum or are these really untouched cases? Sept. still has over a third of its cases unadjudicated. Which brings me to ask the question (how so ever rhetorical it may seem): WTF are those friggin sons of b**ches and their mothers doing at the service centers??? It is ridiculous that we are paying for their life-long vacation!!!

Do you have sense at all. Do you mind your language. You are talking as if they all exist to work for you. Imagin what they think if they see this. If you are on their place, don't you take it personally ? One must behave in civilized way. You come to beg but 'talking' like this. Many people are still getting approvals and US govt is still allowing immigrants. Shame on their innosence.
Re: Re: 25% and all that...

Whatever, man!
Believe it or not, they do exist to work for me, you, all the patrons of this forum and a million others. I don't care if they read this stupid message because it wouldn't have any effect on those "pachyderms" anyway.
I didn't land here from a fishing boat with a bunch of no-good dregs for me to beg for a GC. If Columbus can arrive here and claim this to be his land, so can I. I pay my taxes and fees so I expect some results from them. After all, it is Immigration and Naturalization SERVICE!!!
Remember, we are here because this country needs us as much as we need it. Where's the innocence??
I don't know how long you've been waiting for your adjudication. But let's see you wait almost a year and maintain your civil behavior!

Originally posted by GC_ka_jhanjhat

Do you have sense at all. Do you mind your language. You are talking as if they all exist to work for you. Imagin what they think if they see this. If you are on their place, don't you take it personally ? One must behave in civilized way. You come to beg but 'talking' like this. Many people are still getting approvals and US govt is still allowing immigrants. Shame on their innosence.
Janghat Guy !!

Don't exhibit your "Holier Than Thou attitude". We have seen a lot of such people on this board who were like you and at one point vanish with their tails between their legs.

As law abiding , tax paying persons We have the right to question ineffeciancy, seek justification for the taxes and time spent .
INS is on TOP of the Pole in ineffeciancy and this has been acknowledged even by the President of the United states..

Who are you to contradict this ?
patienceGC: I am still here although less frequently. You guys gave the title to scotgirl, I am not contesting it

These days there is no craving for fun postings in this forum. It is strictly immigration, immigration, immigration.....:p
All of them who were craving for fun are all gone, ready to enroll in the citizenship forum:D
hey anita

good to know you are still here unlike the others who left as soon as they got their card.

You are still a special senior queen. :p

Hope things are going well with you and your bf... the one who knows how to use his big stick :D
Oct approvals

Will reach 40% by this week end.
I havenot seen any OCT approvals yesterday.
and bery few Sept. approvals.

I am worried is VSC already in the Holiday mood??
