OCI - Lost Online Registration Number


New Member
I have lost the OCI - Online Registration Number.

I tried using "Forgotten Registration No.?..Click here" link unfortunately I had registered twice and the above link is giving me an first registration number which I had not submitted.

I even tried sending email to usoci-mha nic.in which is failing.

I have sent the application directly to
Under Secretary (OCI), Foreigners Division,
Ministry of Home Affairs, 26-Mansingh Roda,
Jaisalmer House
New Delhi – 110011

Is there a way to find what the Registration number was for my application submitted so that I can track it?

Thanks a lot in advance.
I assume you did not make a copy of your completed application form which would have the number on it. Long shot given how unresponsive the consulates here are but maybe you can try contacting your consulate to ask them for this? Only other thing I can think of is maybe trying sequential numbers of the USANI number to see if that works to find your submission but this would require that your file was acknowledged first.
I assume you did not make a copy of your completed application form which would have the number on it. Long shot given how unresponsive the consulates here are but maybe you can try contacting your consulate to ask them for this? Only other thing I can think of is maybe trying sequential numbers of the USANI number to see if that works to find your submission but this would require that your file was acknowledged first.

I think the OP has dealt with HQ in DEL directly.

in which is failing.

I have sent the application directly to
Under Secretary (OCI), Foreigners Division,
Ministry of Home Affairs, 26-Mansingh Roda,
Jaisalmer House
New Delhi – 110011

I think there is an email address of the person(s) incharge of the database. They can retrieve the file number provided have the details.
I think the OP has dealt with HQ in DEL directly.

I think there is an email address of the person(s) incharge of the database. They can retrieve the file number provided have the details.

You can get your Registration Number. Go to online Enquiry web site "https://passport.gov.in/oci/OnlineOCIenquiry.jsp" click the Link at the top "Forgotten Registration No.? Click here." Then you will need your passport number and data of birth to retrieve your Registration Number. Good Luck.

Nevermind: You may have to work with Delhi since you have applied twice. Second one may not be in the database at all.
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