OCI- insignificant difference in candian and indian passport names?


New Member
Hey all,
i recently got my canadian citizenship and now planning to apply for OCI. in my indian passport my name is xxxxxkumar yyyyyyyyyy patel. and the passport i got from canada has xxxxx patel only. i know this will cause me problem when i apply for OCI. can anyone of you tell me the easiest way to get over with this problem.
Note: i gave my school documents to change my name to xxxxx patel when i apply for canadian citizenship

my mom has little problem as well...
in indian passport she has her midddle name as YYYYYYYYY
and in candian passport she has only initial as her middler name...will this cause any problem??

any help will be appreciated

Thanking you,
Nothing is insignificant when it comes to names. Even a missing letter can cause issues.
You need to demonstrate the process through which the name changed from A to B.
You should talk to your local Indian consulate and ask them what they will accept as a proof of name change, and then go about procuring it.
** In US, they don't do name change just on the basis of school certificate ... their will either be a name change certificate or it will be a case of a woman taking husband's last name. Canadian processes might be different.