OCI - Format of Date Of Birth for applicant


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Trying to file OCI - Form A online for US - San Fransisco.

What is the format used for Date of Birth.

for all other dates it mentions to be DD/MM/YYYY

But for Date of birth it does not specify.

Should we put DD/MM/YYYY or US format of MM/DD/YYYY

Trying to file OCI - Form A online for US - San Fransisco.

What is the format used for Date of Birth.

for all other dates it mentions to be DD/MM/YYYY

But for Date of birth it does not specify.

Should we put DD/MM/YYYY or US format of MM/DD/YYYY


I put DD/MM/YYYY for all dates. Indian format. I printed the forms and it did not complain of any errors. It does error checking. For ex. it rejected phone numbers with hyphens, birthplace with comma, I had spelled city, india. It was rejected. Be sure to use IE and not firefox
Thanks. I tried it putting MM/Dd/YYYY - it comlained of invalid date for some dates. So it is DD/MM/YYYY