OCI Form PART B - parents name spelled wrong : How to correct it?


Registered Users (C)

While submitting the OCL application form online. In part-B somehow got my parents name misspelled,have the form printed, now I don't find an option to correct it online and reprint it

How and what should I do to correct it? Since it is Part-B should I just strike it and write the name correctly?

Any help is appreciated.
Start a new application and redo the whole process again (Part A and Part B). You will have to re-enter all the information and will get new numbers, etc.


While submitting the OCL application form online. In part-B somehow got my parents name misspelled,have the form printed, now I don't find an option to correct it online and reprint it

How and what should I do to correct it? Since it is Part-B should I just strike it and write the name correctly?

Any help is appreciated.