I don't think there is a special line for them. Basically oci is like a visa and there are so few people who are oci. So I don't think they get extra benefits.
True, for now its a special line, I think its just a temporary measure.
Once the officers become familiar with the documents, its back to ordinary lines.
Diplomatic lanes are usually manned by senior officers.
I rather have all lines move efficiently than just one special line. So enjoy this benefit with smugness while it lasts!
Wow, did not know about the spl line, hope they are not extra strict for those OCis though! Most of the new airports opening now have tons of immig counters so lines should move quickly for all people. Thanks for the new info both of you!!
Indam, read the sticky threads to get an idea of the differences. This has been covered bef and I don't want to repeat info that exists.
My son just came back from a trip to India. When he left Delhi on June 18th, there was a special line for departing OCIs. He had reached Delhi on March 27th and (at least until that time) there was no separate line for arriving OCIs.
This is correct.
When I entered/exited on (04/07/08)/(05/01/08) there was no special line at CHENNAI.
When I entered/exited on (06/14/08)/(07/06/08) there was special line at CHENNAI. man.... it was a breeze getting in and getting out..