Land of the free
After living in the US for 7 years, I have been removed back to my country on the charge of overstaying visa. In addition to that I am married to US citizen. However, I have 10 year bar for overstaying my visa for more then one year. After all that I have been through with that immigration bullshit, I am not even considering to move back to US. This 10 year bar for people who overstayed and who are married to US citizen and the fact that USCIS doesn't care how much they will break someone's live by breaking someones family...clearly tells me that they do not have any family values. By the way, I have been married to my wife for 6 years and the marriage is for real and not for their stupid residency. America and life there is such a joke, such a big commercial going on through movies and propaganda. After all of that I have been through in that country and Immi bs, I would rather be poor in my country and live free then be a slave of ridiculous laws. Besides that, regardless of the fact that Serbian GDP per capita is way lower then the US, we do not have extreme poverty and people living in cardboard boxes on every single corner of the streets like what I saw in "the land of the free". I had strong desire to go and live in that country, but I am not planing even to visit that place no more. They gave me 10 years bar on overstaying and I am giving myself a lifetime promise that I will never go back there. I spent 1 YEAR in immigration custody fighting my immigration case, lost money on bs lawyers and on the end I went back home to my country. People here ask me "why did you come back to Serbia?" like that life is so great "in the land of the free". It is hard for me to explain to them what I have been though and I am not even trying. Sometimes, I think to write a book about all of that, but I am too lazy to do that. When I was in immigration custody, I saw so many cases where the families are broken a part because of harsh laws... I feel sorry for these people. What I really like in the United States is the people...I mean diversity. I lived in LA in multicultural environment without discrimination.All colors, all religions, everyone is equal. Unfortunately, I will never see that state of mind in Serbian people. American people will always stay in my hearth and be a big part of my life. I will always miss Christmas in Los Angeles and all that diversity. I came back to Serbia with no money in my pocket, but I came back with something that money cannot buy - I came back with my Mexican-American wife who I married for love and not f+acking green card and she will stay with me in my country til the last day. God bless American people and f-uck harsh and clueless laws!