NY refused to stamp my passport after the approval pending security check


my case was apporved in 6/23/2004 , the approval notice was sent to me , when i went to NY office , with the approval letter , they have refused to stamp my passport (pending a security check) , they said it was a mistake to approve my case , and they said to wait , did any one see this crap befor
please share your experinse , im also looking for a good lawyer in NY city , and i thinking of calling a senator on my office for this crap , does any body know any one in long island
you are "OSAMA" anyways ;) why wonder on this one ... hehehe.

wish you good luck .... this is crap, but ... just hang in there and contact the relevant congressman.
If you have done nothing criminal or anything of that sort you should be okay. Definitely talk to a competent attorney. Suggest Rajiv Khanna - our host. He will be able to guide you appropriately. Security check are done for all. As long as the results are good, you should be good.

Good luck
I apologise .. never meant this .. in fact its towards USCIS people to do such a thing apears to be a perfect APPROVED case.

I never heard of such crap. Refusal after approval. what cud possibly the reason .. besides the name. The adjudicator who approved the case what the F(*&# was he doing. thats all
osama_abdelfattah said:
what is expedite name check and how do you do it

Expedite criteria for VSC: Among them is Service error. Search this forum for Expedite and FAx number.
Find a lawyer.
There was a case of somebody by the name of Slobodan Milosovic and I think he never got his green card. Search the internet; you will find it!
This is BS, I would immidiately contact Mr.Khanna and talk about this. He is the best for anything related to Immigration.
This is a passing phase

NYC is now on a heightened security alert. I heard on the news that aliens belonging to certain nationalities are being investigated irrespective of whether they have any criminal records or not. Maybe that is the reason why they have put ur approval on hold.
Once they have cleared their doubts ur approval should be back on line.
I guess you only need to be worried about how long this security check would take.

Did they ask you about security check after doing the finger printing?

Can you let me know what else did they ask you in NYC? And what else is required apart from Approval notice, passport, I94, EADs to stamp in NYC? I am going there tomorrow for my stamping... Any inputs are appreciated!
the approval notice said to give I-94 and the approval notice and passport and 2 photo , in my case i gave the above plus my ead , after they refused to stamp my passport , they took all of the above and return back only the passport , i have consalted witha lawyer and he think we might have to sue NY CIS
went back on friday

i just want to update this thread , i went back to NY USCIS NY on friday 9/10/2004 , i took my lawyer with me , i had an appointment with them at 11:00 am , the lawyer explained to the INS the they need to process my green card( the phiscal card ) and after arguing with them and waiting for 5 houres ,after 5 houres of the INS offices scrating thier heads , they came baclk with a stamp for 60 days and they said , come back in 60 days , and the reason is accroding to the officer ( the VERMONT USCIS ,did not do a threral invistagation and NY will do a threal invistigation for me , at this time i just went banana , vermon approved my case after 2 years and sex month , during which i have been under a security background check for at least 2 years , and NY want me to wiat for another 3 years to give me a stamp on my passport , at this time , i just started threating the officer , that i will take his ASS to the court , and i told him , " i do no know how you people conduct busniess , you are unreliable and you do not deserve any respcet , i have worked very hard for my green card and you are not taking that away from me , and im taking you to the court , bye bye
thats the end of my story , i think the next step is to take them to the court and sue thier ASSes

It is unfortunate whatever happened to you. I just have a suggestion - Rather than getting worked up about it, why don't you work on getting a letter from Vermont that your name has indeed been cleared of any bad activities in the past? I am not sure if suing NY CIS is going to ease your pain...Is it so hard to believe NY CIS has nothing against you? It is quite possible they are just doing their job and trying to be very cautious.

I also know it is easier said than done but threatening to sue doesn't always work in your favor.
Please correct me if I am wrong. Passport stamping is required only if you plan on travelling and other purposes while waiting for the actual card. Stamping has no connection with getting the physical card. So, if the case was approved by VSC, by now the OP (original article posted on July 3rd) should have received the card itself. Why bother for stamping in the passport.

I do not think what you said is correct. If you go for stamping, and gave your
photos and finger prints, then only they order physical card. Otherwise when the online message changes to physical card ordered? It cannot change automatically, right?


Why they have to approve the application in hurry, if the security clearance is mandatory. Their mistake and our misery.
I agree with WAT04. I would wait for 2 more months before I approach them with the lawyer.

In the meantime if you manage to to get clearence from VSC that would be great.

Good luck



Sue these ass&*(& , this is pure injustice. I am sure,this Green card is not worth the pain it cause, but now since you and so many of us, has invested our time and money and emotions towards it, we must fight it out. If you need funds , raise it, by starting an online website for this. I'll be the first one to put some money for it.

Once the case is approved, the new permanent resident must take the approval notice to the local office to undergo the procedures necessary to obtain proof of the new status. The local office personnel will stamp the passport with a "temporary evidence" stamp and fill out the CIS Form I-181.
The internal CIS Form I-181 will be sent to a green card production facility for issuance of the plastic card.