NSC I-485 processing time


Registered Users (C)
according to immigratiom-law.com, I-485 processing time (8/15/03) changes from 8/22/01 to 8/10/01. Please check it again.
wish I am wrong.
Not Wrong

I am afraid that you are not wrong, my friend. I checked a number of sites and the NSC has officially managed to do negative work.

It is very impressive. I have lived in different countries in three continents, including third world countries and this is the first time I have seen someone stupid enough to openly admit to working backwards.

In the whole national security framework of CIA, FBI, BCIS, etc., I think the weak link is sadly obvious.
Not quite....

It took them around 4 months to complete 22 days of positive work and an additional 4 months to undo 12 days of it.

Extrapolation based on the above (warning: these may contradict Paul Clarke1 's made a few days ago)
In the next four months, INS will be able to move this date forward by 7 days, and in the four months after that, they will retract it by 4 days.... So by april 2004, INS will have completed, at an astounding pace, employment-based I-485 applications with RDs of Aug. 13, 2001!

even though they are busy and under pressure doing other work how do you justify pushing the days back ....i dont see any justification to it ...
Gifted People

One really has to admire the how gifted the case workers are at the NSC. Nowhere else in the world do you find people skilled enough to do 12 days of negative work in 8 months and:
1. Get paid for it.
2. Not get fired.

I am truly awed.

Not to mention confused, dumstruck , annoyed and exasperated.
Its really funny that no one is accountable for the progress in I-485...it seems this Security check is only for emlpoyment based visas..!!!
I cannot understand why NSC's processing times are taken so seriously , especially by some of the more senior members of this forum.

Rupnet and the Greenland report has proved without any shade of doubt that processing times, as published by NSC, are messed up . So why get worked on a report that does not , in any way , reflect the actual scene ?

Lets get worked up over authentic data
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d1203..its not a question of getting angry but really...how come AILA accept this all hogwash from BCIS...at least they can take some steps to speak to BCIS to give clear picture...in future
Most everybody here understands that the real processing does not follow these dates. However, apparently, NSC (as well as the lawyer community) entertains requests for information on applications only if your ND is before the published date. So I can see why people follow this date with interest. Furthermore, if there is no significance to this date, why waste very scarce resources on putting it out? It is only natural for folks to develop angst based on this only 'official' piece of information on I-485 processing put out by the authorities.
Many friends who got their approvals after long wait have shed lights on being patient. One wants to keep a shield for protecting their base. Would you not?
NSC is doing something

NSC guys are not working on EB I-485 but they did put a lot of work on renewing EADs, Advanced Paroles, and H1B visas. I think their work load is increased instead of decreased. In the meantime, the attorneys are making money too by filing these kind of applications for us and that's why they are not caring our ordeals.
I don’t know what that date is used for. We all know that it is not accurate as many people in December got approved while they are saying that they are still processing August cases. So, I don’t think we should put too much value to that date.
The numbers have a purpose

The way I see it, the "Watining Time" numbers have only one purpose: To keep senators of the back of the BCIS. Here's my reasoning:

1. The numbers are inaccurate and have no earthly meaning.
2. Given the current backlog times, the BCIS would be bogged down by senators requesting info on behalf on their constituents. So, to eliminate that possibility, the BCIS invents (and I mean that as it sounds, however it sounds) this number they can manipulate without any accountability. They call it "waiting time" to give it some semblance of validity. Then they design a policy that one can only call a senator if the processing is 3 months more than this fictitious number.

It is plain to see that they can control the number of senator queries (and hence their own workload / accountability) by manipulating the waiting times.

The BCIS is going to drive us all towards believing in conspiracy theory if the delays get any longer!
Isn't it possible that there was a typo while entering the processing dates for EB Base?
Someone with fat fingers could make a mistake and didn't really check it.

Anyways, I am just saying that to give me hope that they didn't really do negative work.
We have an optimist amongst us!

Guju, I see you are a senior member which means you know a fair amount about the NSC. After all these years you still have a glimmer of hope or a hint of faith? You cheer up the rest us.

I tend to have a little more gloomy view not unlike the sign supposedly above the gates of hell:
"Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here"
114 weeks = 114x5 = 570 days!

I guess, this is how they found magic date 8/10/01:

On 8/22/03 (Friday) they changed date to 8/10/01 (Friday again!!!). Exactly 2 years and 2 weeks = 56*2+ 2=114 weeks
= 114 * 5 working days/wk = 570 days !

Matches well to BCIS online asking time of 570 to 600 days!!!

Except perhaps, gentleman in hurry (an a Friday afternoon!) made a common mistake!!! Thats OK ... :D
Arent there just 52 weeks and a day (and quarter if you want to account for the leap year) in a year.
