Now what?


Registered Users (C)
The wait is finally over. I got it stamped this morning at Boston. The
stamping was over in 5 minutes. Came in around 8:30 and left the building by 9:15. Ofcourse, there were some 15 guys ahead, but the entire thing was over in exactly 45 minutes. The lady took my courtesy copy, ADIT photos, EAD and I-89 form and said I would get my plastic card in mail in about 3-8 months.

Good that it is finally over, it is not without a fight. Couldnt get a pay raise for years, been on bench for sometime now without pay and now the economic downturn.

Good God, is it worth the wait?

EB3 India 12/97
ND&RD 2/00
FP 3/01
RFE 4/01
RFE responded 5/01
Approved 5/16/01
No Title

Congrats !!
Can you post your RFE receipt date (i.e date you RFE was recieved
as per AVM)

No Title

I89 is the form for the fingerprint and signature. You are not supposed to fill in anything else in that form
No Title

RFE was sent to my lawyer on 4/23/2001
It was for medical redo(my lawyer left out the supplement when I did the first time) and employment letter
RFE was responded on 5/8/2001
AVM said INS received the RFE response 5/15/2001
I checked the AVM the next day(5/16) and to my surprise it was approved