November approvals


Registered Users (C)
I guess EAC-02-058 are NOVEMEBR RD'S

eac0205850023 RFE recvd 1/15/2003
eac0205850026 RFE recvd 1/15/2003
eac0205850097 Card ordered 1/23/2003
eac0205850113 Approved 2/12/2003
eac0205850114 Approved 1/29/2003
eac0205850117 Approved 2/12/2003
eac0205850123 Approved 1/29/2003
eac0205850167 Approved 1/17/2003
eac0205850186 Approved 1/22/2003
eac0205850221 Card ordered 1/31/2003
eac0205850229 Card ordered 1/24/2003
eac0205850327 Card ordered 1/29/2003
eac0205850343 Card ordered 1/29/2003
eac0205850464 RFE recvd 1/21/2003
eac0205850608 Approved 2/12/2003
eac0205850620 Approved 2/12/2003
eac0205850652 RFE recvd 1/30/2003
eac0205850655 RFE recvd 1/30/2003
they seem to be NOV RDs but how do we know these are 485s?

Yes I see it, its 485 guys.
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Can you get more ?

Mankap can you continue on this and see how many november petitions are there altogether ?? approved and unapproved???
I cant waitttttttt

I am EAC 02 056-52XXX
RD Nov 5 2001
ND Dec 6 2001..........
ne one else with same dates??????????
We cannot be sure that EAC-02-058 are all Nov RDs , it can be late Oct RDs. EAC # is generated from ND and not from RD so we cannot count on this statistics.

Also all these approvals may not be 485's cases. We need to considered that too. I am not pessimistic here but this is what I feel from my understanding. Hope Nov starts soon.

RD 11/3/2001
ND 12/6/2001
Ending could be EAC02069XXXXX

I don' t know the start but the end could very well be EAC02069XXXXX, because my RD is 11/28/01 and my EAC is EAC02062XXXXX.
Running it to see how many cases are there, could really give us some idea as to how long it might take for INS to process based on its speed in the oncoming weeks.

EAC-02-058xxxxx could be Oct 01 RD too ...

I have EAC-02-057xxxxx with RD 11/09/01, ND 12/07/01.
However, my colleague has EAC-02-058xxxxx with RD Oct 01 (not sure of exact date) and ND 12/08/01. He's been called for an interview in March 03. I am positive about it, as I have seen his papers.

It looks like some Oct 01 RD cases were entered into the system only in Dec 01 (due to anthrax scare mail backlog??) and may have overlapping EAC numbers with Nov. 01 cases. So, some approvals trawled from VSC site may look like Nov 01 RD cases but they may be Oct 01 RD cases.
Nov. RD. approvals on Rupnet (updated on 2/14)


I have notice following approvals on Rupnet. Wanted to share with this thread

Both the cases have November RD's

RD : 11/28/2001
ND : 01/07/2002 (Assuming this as notice date.. he entered wrong info there)
AD : 01/24/2003

RD : 11/01/2001
ND : 12/18/2002
AD : 02/12/2003

Can we assume November Approvals have begun???

Good luck to all of us!

Thanks Mankap..

GC_mongerer: I'm not sure about the first one.. the EAC no. is pretty low for it to be 11/28.. May be an age out case too.. I don't know..