Nov98 approved!!!! Finally!!! Phew!!!

rohan rohan

Registered Users (C)
This is it!!!! Its over for me and its still sinking in.You know when you see approvals for people 1 yr after your date you do get concerned. Anyway alls well that ends well. Does\'nt mean that i did\'nt have my share of problems with INS. Whole process took 3 years and 8 months out of which i485 took almost 2 yrs.No RFE

Strange thing is I feel that 90% of my brain is now empty.I think I\'ll need some other activity to keep me occupied henceforth. Funny how this stuff takes over your life. Will open the flood gates now, of the "to do" things in life that I had put on hold for 4 years.(definately bmw is one of them:)

Labor applied early Jan 97...EB2 thought be done before 2000(wishful thinking)
140 applied Feb 98
1485 applied Nov98

If anyone new is reading this here\'s a list of things I would suggest before you start on this journey...
1.USA certainly gives you a better life so all the troubles you go through to come here and get settled are DEFINATELY worth it. Believe me I\'ve lived in a few countries and this is the best overall. *This is just my opinion.
2.Definately get a good lawyer. Certainly its worth every penny you spend.
3.Having said that do not depend on the lawyer too much. Do your own research and keep up to date with immigration news and developments.
4.At each completed stage, give a little token gift to your lawyer. I did. And it made sure we got our questions answered every time we called.
5.Assume with INS Murphy\'s law is always true. "Anything that could go wrong will go wrong". Prepare for the worst.
6.Keep your sanity. Do not let immigration break your family life or health. Believe me any personal problems you are having are most likely due to your frustation with INS. Even if not, once its over, you\'ll be better mentally equipped fixing them.
7.Be ready to spend some cash. Talk to different lawyers and get their opinions and write them down. It\'ll come handy for reference for later.
8.Try not to make big purchases, home, new car until your immigration comes through. It\'s 90% likely to come through, but still who knows. In my case i just thought it not worth the extra stress.
9.Take care of your folks back home. They are probably as much part of this thing as you are, only worse becasue they have no source of information except you.
11. Check and double check and triple check your application. Might sound trivial but turns out to be a nightmare if not done properly.
12. Send everything by certified mail or courier. Dont be cheap on this.
13.Try not making any major life decisions while your judgement is clouded while in this process. You will see that things take on a better perspective if you dont have this thorn in your side.
14.Be prompt to send the documents your lawyer requested. Also follow up to find out if he mailed out your application yet.
15.Dont believe the IIOs
16.Have a backup plan ready. Canada.
17.Save money. Will come in handy if you have to go back or move to another country.
18.Dont take s*** from your employer.Your self respect is probably the only thing left with you by the time you get through this. I know its tough but your employer needs you as much as you need them and they\'ll oblidge you as long as you are their cash cow.
19.Before choosing a company to sponsor you, GET A GOOD HISTORY ON THEM. This is probably the most important thing you\'ll do and thank yourself for it later on.
20. Preferably try getting sponsored by a non consulting company.
21. Dont get phased out of technology and keep yourself marketable. Try and not make yourself such that you are the first one to get layed off if company has cutbacks.
22.Last but not the least, once you\'r done let yourself loose and enjoy life to the fullest. You\'ve earned it ten times over!

You know what, I could go on and on...but you guys probably have had enough....

So long. Will hang out here and answer questions as others have answered mine.
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Hearty Congratulations and I was very moved by your \'list\'.. I am sure a lot of people would appreciate your concern and
your good heart in posting these..have a good life..
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Rohan Rohan. Congratulations on the green card stuff. But more than that I congratulate you on your jovial and pretty practical knowledge that you view your life with. Apart from all the relief that I can see in your posting, I also see humor and that is what is going to matter most. All of the advices that you are giving are almost common sense, but unfortunately, none follow them completely, because as you say, it is stress of the moment.
 Now, hope you quit your job. Do as I did, travel around the country. Drive from the East to the West coast(as I did) and you will actually realize, we as immigrants in the high tech world(with or without GC), are soooo much better off than the average people who live in this country.
 I have only two comments about your posting
a. Definitely is spelt DEFINITELY and not DEFINATELY
b. Your posting was too short..
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This is by far the most comprehensive list of things to do & not to do from anyone that I have seen so far. Rohan, my sincere congrtulations to you on your GC approval and thanks for such a nice presentation of some very basic facts....
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Congratulations! I know exactly how you feel. My ND was 9/98 and it was just approved 3.5 weeks ago. Enjoy your hard-earned freedom and don\'t forget about your hardship when you become a citizen.

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I read your posting in another thread about returning to india. My suggestion is dont do it out of force. You haveplenty of options here to reapply and appeal.

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Hello Rohan,

Congratulation, to you and Priti on your new freedom. I am happy for you both. Thanks for your advise, I have opted to go for 485.

Thanks and regards
Mohan Viswanathan