• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

not sure if my photo complies with dv visa requirements.


New Member
visa info.png

will i be disqualified if my picture is 50.8 x 50.8 mm instead of 51 x 51 mm? or does it have to be exact.

more info:
General Image Info:
File size: 101,978 bytes (99.59kb)
Width/height: 600×600 pixels
Aspect ratio: 1:1
Format: jpeg

Transparency Properties:
Opacity: yes (360000 pixels, 100%)
Transparency: no
Translucency: no

Image Pixels:
Number of pixels: 360000
Unique color pixels: 14495 (14495 pixels, 4.03%)
Grayscale pixels: 179967 (179967 pixels, 49.99%)
Colorful pixels: 180033 (180033 pixels, 50.01%)

Exact Color Palette:
#ffffff (176082 pixels, 48.91%)
#fefefe (2043 pixels, 0.57%)
#100f0b (1192 pixels, 0.33%)
#0f0e0a (1092 pixels, 0.3%)
#11100c (1084 pixels, 0.3%)
#0e0d09 (1002 pixels, 0.28%)
#12110d (958 pixels, 0.27%)
#0e0d0b (714 pixels, 0.2%)
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#fdfdfd (658 pixels, 0.18%)