Not EB2? BS+5yr or Masters + 3 yr


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Following is the REquirement given in my LC ETA Form (approved recently), can you think of a solid reason why this is not a EB2 case? my attorney says it is EB3

Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent) in Computer related field (e.g. Computer Science, MIS, IS, Engineering, Math, or Physics) plus 5 Years progressively more responsible experience developing IT solutions.
Master’s degree (or equivalent) in listed or related field plus three years experience developing IT solutions.
Please send me copy/exact content in coulmn 14 and 15 of ETA Part A. then I able to give idea.
info from ETA col 14 & 15

Column 14:
Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent) in Computer related field (e.g. Computer Science, MIS, IS, Engineering, Math, or Physics) plus 5 Years progressively more responsible experience developing IT solutions.
Master’s degree (or equivalent) in listed or related field plus three years experience developing IT solutions.

Column 15: Demonstrated knowledge of: Image processing, Middleware and Rational Rose tools.

This is what is mentioned on column 14 & 15, Can you help now?

A0001 said:
Please send me copy/exact content in coulmn 14 and 15 of ETA Part A. then I able to give idea.
I am looking at ETA 750 Form Column 14 and Column 15, I have copy of my labor file.
Column 14: Has experience & Education section: Experience section says 5 years progressively more responsible exp
and Education section says: Bachelors Degree * ** (These footnote * and ** are explained as: * as "or equivalent" and ** as "or Masters Degree (or equivalent) + 3 years of experience)", stars are explained in Column 15, can you really help me now?

A0001 said:
Please send me copy/exact content in coulmn 14 and 15 of ETA Part A. then I able to give idea.
usually if a position requires

Masters or equivalent
Bachelors + 5 yr Experinece

- will fall under eb2 catogery as per 2000 court injection

here in your ETA things are messed up. employer needs put STRONG document while filing. by the by what's your education?


kgp said:
I am looking at ETA 750 Form Column 14 and Column 15, I have copy of my labor file.
Column 14: Has experience & Education section: Experience section says 5 years progressively more responsible exp
and Education section says: Bachelors Degree * ** (These footnote * and ** are explained as: * as "or equivalent" and ** as "or Masters Degree (or equivalent) + 3 years of experience)", stars are explained in Column 15, can you really help me now?