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Registered Users (C)
Just humorous rumors

1. INS scheduler software probably has memory leak. They actually are processing cases of April RD. May and June cases are just because of this memory leak.

2. Based on postings on this newsgroup and people\'s conversation with IIO, it seems there is no fixed pattern that they use to pick files for the same month RD. Probably they adopt tic-tac-toe strategy. I mean they play this game on our files and the files that get marked, get assigned to IIO. So if your file is in middle, you have better chance. I assume everyone knows about this game.

3. Table (database table) that AVM system uses, contains all the necessary information but unfortunately it doesn\'t have any primary key. Only key this table has is on first 12 characters (instead of all 13 characters) of EAC#. So incase someone gets RFE (or status of an application changes) and INS tries to update the table, more (than 1) records get updated. Probably that was the reason why many people\'s AVM got changed (with false message) around first week of Feb. Question is why should INS do it? Answer they laid off the programmer/DBA recently. Another answer may be … by updating more than one record (for one record), AVM of many people will be changed and thus we (applicant) will think that there lots of activities going on in INS offices. After all they have to justify their headcount. Its not only we who are scared of lay-offs they are too in the same boat.

4. INS officials work on "more senior you are, less work you do" concept. That is why new appointees (in INS offices) are getting trained on EB2 cases because usually EB2 cases have more documents (than EB3) to deal with. We are lucky that current job market is bad, otherwise these new appointees would have left their job next day and overall processing time would have drastically increased. This is only advantage that I see that bad job market has for me.

5. There is random RFE generator script that they run for every case. Otherwise there is no reason for some people to get RFE even they just have address change (and even they notified during FP or during other phases) and others didn\'t, even their medical was incomplete. So keep your finger crossed.

This was my own observation. Please add-on to it if you have anything. Please don\'t get offended and don\'t take it seriously. I know you all waiting for your turns for approvals, I am doing the same. So best of luck to you all.

