Nori from India


Registered Users (C)

This is an awesome website with all the good and helping members out here. I am going to send my documents to India for Nori. I checked some details and have found the following info about address for mhrd new delhi.

The department of education, Ministry of Human Resource Deveopement, ES-5 Division,Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi-11001. I tried my all best but not able to find out as to whom should be these documents addressed to? If anyone has any info about this then plz help. Also, plz check if the add that I have got is correct or not?

PS;- It's not our ability or talent but our thoughts that make us smaller. I really liked the work done by helping members here. cheers!!!
My E-mail add is
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The address:

Ministry of Human Resource Development
(Deptt of Secondary and Higher Education)
ES.5 Section
A-2/W-4 Curzon Road Barracks
Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi- 110 001

They might ask you for a vita + your degrees. Might as well send them copies of your diplomas.

As far as I know they dont ask for any degrees or diplomas. The main thing they r concerned about is outstanding student loans, make sure to send original 'student/education loan clearence' certificate from your loan bank (if u hav taken any) and hav mentioned in affidavit from Indian embassy/consulate.
Thanks for the reply guys. Dheeraj, i rd ur posts. ur rpo is chandigarh. mine is also the same. can you help me wid dat address. i really don't knw the add for rpo chandigarh. my e-mail add is