NORI certificates from passport office missing


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Hi all,

My father inquired from passport office about NORI. they said documents were sent on March 1, 2007. But I dint get them yet. If anybody faced the same problem or anybody can advise me?

1. Should I contact Indian Embassy/consulate for the same?
2. If they got it. and I dont. can I send other clearances without passport one n it will work for them?

Thanks in advance.
Passport office and Home dept of state send documents directly to consulate or to u (in my case they sent directly to consulate). In my case I obtained a copy of each from them just to avoid a case like urs. I had a copy of each NORI and sent to consulate, thus recieved waiver certificate frm consulate within 10 days,

In ur case, seems like the post is missing or NORI has been sent directly to consulate and not to u. But to avoid all confusions, it is advisable to collect a copy frm Indian Authorities and send it urself to remain safe in future or u can wait for a ltl bit and see if they respond.
Thanks Dheeraj,

I was wondering If I call consulate, will they respond?
or there is any way I can call passport office in Chandigarh. There is customer care no. available on their site. I dont know whether they will respond.
I m not sure which Consulate u come under? Mine came in me they r the worst ppl i hav ever contacted fo any query. So better dont call or email them if u r dealing with CGI Houston.

U may call Passport office, but m not sure if they gonna rspond well or not. I also got my things done thru Chandigarh passport office. I just spoke to my mum (she did all this for me while i was in US) regarding ur confusion. She said PP office chandigarh never allows anyone to take a copy of NORI, instead they insist that they will send NORI directly to embassy/consulate. But anyhow my mum got a photocopy thru some connection and sent all NORI's to me and I forwarded them to consulate.

Let me know if u need more info.
For Dheeraj212

Hey Dheeraj
how I can contact u If I want some specific information about NORI?