No status enquiry


Registered Users (C)
I e-mailed my lawyer today to see if they would initiate an enquiry to BCIS on my behalf. No luck. She said that they do not contact BCIS unless my application was filed before their current processing time.

I guess I'll just hang out and wait some more...

RD 7/02
FP 8/02
RFE 11/03
can you do it yourself

I was wondering if we need to always have the lawyer do these things or we can do it ourself.
clearly in your case, your inherent interest is kept behind on a flimsy basis which though technically correct is wrong since we have approvals until oct 02 and your RFE has been answered long back.
can you check your notice and let us know if the rfe mentions that "from the day they receive your reply, it takes 14 days to process this form"
Thank you.
You have plenty of time. Go and dance for some time.
Originally posted by Scotgirl
I e-mailed my lawyer today to see if they would initiate an enquiry to BCIS on my behalf. No luck. She said that they do not contact BCIS unless my application was filed before their current processing time.

I guess I'll just hang out and wait some more...

RD 7/02
FP 8/02
RFE 11/03
Dancing sounds good. No time at the moment due to work :)

ag28, I'm afraid I never saw the RFE notice. The lawyer let me know what it was requesting and I sent the info. I didn't get a copy of the notice. Sorry.

Thanks guys.