I recently joined the group that naturalized to Citizenship and what a feeling of calm and peace I have now. My circumstances were quite complicated( as I am sure many others feel theirs is), however, I waited for a very loooooong time, more than a decade and I can only say that, reaching this point has been very fulfilling to me. It was a long challenging road, with a lot of emotional ups and downs, financial struggle, not to mention the challenges that brought me to the US still overwhelming, but I finally lived to experience this day.
Like I said, I feel a sense of calm, belonging. the fear that I had from way back when just eased away during the ceremony.
The naturalization ceremony was short and sweet! Loved it! Just enough to satisfy the need for a formal event. I feel absolutely lucky and truly blessed. It is my intention to take all advantages that come with citizenship. First, is to get a passport! I sent out for that and registered to vote. Hopefully, I will also get the chance to change SSI very soon. There's soo much to do and now, i have the opportunity in addition to live my private life!