No Receipt Notice yet for wife after 50 days


Registered Users (C)
Hello. I mailed the N-400 app for my wife and myself to CSC around June 15th. USCIS received it around June 19th. I have received the receipt notice and the fingerprint notice for myself. But nothing yet for my wife - not even a receipt notice. Anyone here with similar experience? Anything to worry about? I am planning on calling them tomorrow to find out. Anything I need to keep in mind? Any/All help will be greatly appreciated. Also, both our checks have been encashed.
If the check has been cashed I would say that's a good sign. Call them up and find out. The letter could have been lost in the mail. The cashed check probably has the case number written on the front of the check. See your check and compare with your case number in your notice and use what you find to locate your wife's case number.

My 2 cents.
50 days is little unusual, though mine took almost 30 days. I advice you call them and find out. What if you made mistake in entering your address ?