Never mind VSC; What about Corporate HRs
Yes, courtesy of VSC I'm losing sleep these nights.
Btw, a few months back, after waiting in line for 3 hours or so the Boston immigration office very nicely renewed my EAD on same day. The staff there was swamped with whiny, exasperated immigrants. Some of them were even being nice and smiling thru it - the officers that is not the immigrants. They were doing a great job. The other nons-mily officers were also doing there job.
As for the more pertinent question: with this crappy process started in April 1999 why the fuck am I still here? Thanks to HR and attorney at my ex-employer! For shoving me into AOS instead of Consular Proc. That when I'd expressly requested consular.
(was that accidental incompetenece???????; I'll be damned if that was accidental)
That at a large company thats progressive in other ways!
Immigrant workers - corporate America's dirty secret.
Someone ought to reform this crappy process.
And never mind the taxes. Its truly pathetic that I have scuked up this crap and continue to wallow in this land of the free.