no non-availability cerificate


Registered Users (C)

In the absence of birth certificate, it seems the procedure
is to submit: 1. school leaving certificate 2. non-availabilty
of birth certificate certificate 3. birth affidavits. If you have
1 and 3 but not 2, is it okay to go ahead and file or could INS
come back later to ask for "non availability of birth certificate
certificate" too. My hunch is they will as most workers
in US work like robots and dont use their brain when it comes
to following procedures.

Just checking.
go ahead and file...

it will be months before your application is the meantime try to get a non availability cert or the real birth cert.
You need to have it

You must get the non-availability certificate if you dont want RFE...
That is a very important document as far as INS is concerned, so why take issue with them?
could any of you guys let me know the complete address of the mumbai municipal corporation, and the name of the department that deals with birth certificates and non-availability certificates?

thanks in advance!
mariage certificate same day 7000Rs
birth certificate same day 3000Rs

normal rates in delhi i am sure other places might have less . 200/300$ worth saving the hastle.
Second why you want to get non availability certificate you still very well register your birth in india. need couple of affidavites and of course the money.
Re: You need to have it

Originally posted by NV2001
You must get the non-availability certificate if you dont want RFE...
That is a very important document as far as INS is concerned, so why take issue with them?

I figured they are going to do RFE
anyways, just for W2s if for nothing
else. so why wait for non-availability
certificate. They did an RFE for
I-140 too, though my first I-140 (from
previous company) was approved without RFE.
