No IL for more than 6 months, Need a sample letter to congressman


Registered Users (C)
I submitted my application in early June, and done FG in June also.
So far no any progress.
Like to contact the congressman.
Could someone be kind to offer a sample letter? I know there must be one in this forum, but couldn't find it.
Thanks !
Six months is not that long. I'd wait a little longer (say 3 or 4 months). If you act too soon, you are likely not to get much sympathy from the congressional aid charged with immigration issues. Sympathy is important (at least in my mind) - you want to get that person believing that your case is very important.

Both the congressmand and the senator that I contacted had "immigration issue" forms on their web site. Their process specified that I was to fill in the form (as well as and information release form), and then fax it to their office. In neither case did I send a "letter"