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I am in a dilemma about whether filing NIW or LC (Perm). I work as a Research Associate for a Univeristy. I don't have many publications. Any Suggestions ?


You should file EB1 OR id you are a research associate. You should also have permanent employment at University. For Eb1 OR permanent job letter in research is most important. You would not need many publications if you have a permanent job in university.

good luck.
qjcnew said:
I am in a dilemma about whether filing NIW or LC (Perm). I work as a Research Associate for a Univeristy. I don't have many publications. Any Suggestions ?



You should give more details about your bachground otherwise it is not possible to give any kind of suggestions.
RA might not be "permanent"

Whether you can file for EB1-OR might depend on the university policy.

E.g., in the place where I work RA is the "official" job title for postdocs, RA job is presumed temporary, and the university won't sponsor OR petition for research associate. One must be tenure-track or have equivalent research position (i.e., at least an assistant research scientist) for the university to sponsor OR petition.

That's why I had to be officially promoted from research associate to assistant research scientist to begin GC process.

Of course there might be exceptions, especially if your boss is a big name in university and can push the right buttons...

The RAs can get Eb1-OR
thats correct RAs are official title for PDFs in some universities but otherwise it is official degree in university and industry which can be permanent. When I got my I-140 approved I was RA and my human resource gave clear rule based distinction of PDs and RAs.It is important that you get letters from suitable people about it!!!!

About honkman said we can't say unless you throw some light on your backgrd and achivements.

about PERM.....well....its labor based...that forum can give best answer

I totally agree that RA can get EB1-OR, that many do, and that you did successfully. I am saying that in _some_ universities, including a big one in which I work, it is a university-wide policy NOT to do GC for RA.

I don't know how common is that, and there are always appeals and exceptions, but this might be the reason why the person who initiated this thread does not consider EB1-OR.

If his university would sponsor OR, this may be indeed good way to go.

IANAL, and take no responsibility for accuracy of anything in this message,
