Newly graduated to this site and seeking answers


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

I am done with the CP interview on November 23 at Chennai. It was smooth sailing, with no questions asked. I have now matriculated to this stage of the process, and have a few questions.

I am, now, back in the US and the POE at DC on Dec. 2 went off without a glitch. He was going to give me a form with instructions to call INS in case of change in address and basically to track my GC, but I forgot to pick it up from him. I am wondering if anyone can scan that and post it on this site?

Post CPers, Going forward, I am wondering what all is required in terms of what I tell the HR department at my company, are there any new forms to fill out, should I resubmit a new I-9, and are there any other steps that I need to take to set the GC in stone. Further the company wants to transfer me to another location (same office though). I had asked them o hold off till the CP was done and I am now wondering if it is okay to let them do it or should I hold off on it for a while. I would appreciate all responses.

This is especially critical since my company is in the process of being bought-over by the end of December. Are there any steps that I should take during the takeover process.
Thank you Abu

Regarding changing locations - can I ask the company to go ahead with the paperwork to change my location as they want to do so shortly after getting my stamping? Or should I ask them to hold off for a while?
No Title

location does not matter (although different state might, if different LC was needed). What matters is job description and title. Even those, are not crucial.
The LC,I140 position you were promised was done on "fast track" because of immediate need and shortage of skilled workers, then if suddenly they don\'t need it that badly anymore, may cause some stench in the eyes of INS. However, there is almost no way for INS to find out about it and nobody needs to report this to INS, even in future applications.
If you can retain job description, title (or close enough), it would be best.
Thanks Abu - but again...

Maybe I do not understadn the response. A different LC would even be required between SF and LA? I can retain the job desc. and title, though.
No Title

I think all of CA is with same LC. You may want to verify that, but practically, it doesn\'t really matter for reasons I posted above.
No Title

If this was my situation, I would go ahead and take the transfer.

Both you and your company have met your obligations so far. There is a consensus opinion that if you company had laid you off at this point, then you would not have any concern with the INS. Surely a transfer within the same company is no less a problem.