New thread for April\'01 I-485 mailers

Minor change to the data posted for KAKINADA

Hi, Thanks for adding my info to April 01\'s list. I have recd my AP in July and am awaiting FP invitation, whereas it is posted vice versa.
- Kakinada.
Mighty, Can you also add SKW\'s information - he is another Approval from April mailers

ProActive "Just checked AVM **I-485 Approved**" 9/1/01 1:13pm
Mighty , Can you update the information. I got my I-485 Approved !!

Hi Mighty,

Please update the records. I got my I-485 approved on 08/29/01.

Category EB3
Petition - I-485
Thanks for the valuable information guys. I am glad to say that my Green Card petition has been approved as of 08/29/01.

Dates as below.


RD - 04/04/01
ND - 04/27/01
EAD - 07/21/01
FP - 08/01
AP - Never Received
AD - 08/29/01

Please update the list for the name of Sanjay Modi.
Sanjay: Did you get the approval in mail or from AVM? Thanks.

Congratulations and enjoy the life of being "free".!

One more thing, when exactly did you get your FP done if you still remember.

Thanks again.
Where are FP Notices for April 15 onward mailers?

Guys any idea when FP Notices for April 15 onward mailers will be issued?

INS is moving fast on I485 approvals. That\'s really nice.

Can you tell us your FP date? Thanks. Enjoy your life.
Add my details

PD: 06/00 EB-2 CSC
RD: 3/19/01
ND: 4/9/01
WAC: WAC-01-153-xxxxx
AP & EAD: Received in 06/01
FP: Scheduled for 10/4/01, done around 8/9/01
LNI: "J"
AD: waiting.... hopefully soon!!
No Title

GCTrack, I mailed on apr 13 and FP still waiting. So, let me rephrase your question as "When are FP for April 13 mailing date onwards going to be issued?"
Let us all keep this thread well-updated, and help each other. Thats the best with INS being so unpredictable.
No Title

Congrats !!!

BTW, did you do your FP before schedule ?
If so, when was the scheduled date ?

I am hoping we see an example where
doing early FP has helped.
Summary as of Sep 5

We\'ve got one more approval on the list! Congratulations, Sanjay! It sure feels better, doesn\'t it?
Lets hope for Best !!

Yeah, there is no news about FP for those who has ND later than 04/15. Also I see onbody with RD after 04/19 got EAD. My RD 04/26 & ND 06/26.
FP Scheduled Date vs. FP Done date

Hopefully we\'ll see more FP notices coming our way. One of the common trends is to get FP done before (sometimes much before) FP schedule date. I had noticed from some of the approvals that they were only few days after FP scheduled date (though the difference is very large in some other cases). So can we keep a closer watch on the FP scheduled date to see how often its true. May be Mighty, now onwards, FP scheduled date can be mentioned in bracket in FP Done column to observe this relationship more closely.
I 485 approved- April 2001 case.. Guys there is some hope

I just read one posting by "wah-bhai-Wah" that his case has been approved. Since he had done his FP on July28th and we had done ours on same date, I thought of checking the AVM, just for fun ( I had decided that I would not call AVM atleast for 2-3 weeks ).

And wow..AVM says our case has been approved today on 09/05/2001..BINGO!!!

Category ---------------------------EB2 ( INDIA )
WAC #----------------------------01-162-XXXXX
PD ---------------------------------05/2000
RD ---------------------------------04/02/2001
ND ---------------------------------04/19/2001
AP ---------------------------------06/30/2001
EAD -------------------------------06/30/2001 for principal applicant. Yet to come for spouse.
FP ---------------------------------07/28/2001 (Orig. sch. for 08/08/2001)
Had also received second FP notice for FP in November!!!
485 (Approval Date) ---------09/05/2001 As per AVM

Spouse received REF for EAD on 07/09/2001 ( they wanted marriage certificate sent promptly. But AVM updated only today..and it only says that we have received the response on 08/24/2001. It would take 90 days and so on.

We did our FP at San Jose 2 weeks before schedule. I also checked with FBI if they had sent the FPs to INS. But never spoke to IIO.

Thanks to GOD and all well wishers..Wishing all of you waiters rapid processing!!

Ciba pl. update my case. My handle is "netrg102"

Mighty Count, my handle in your list is "netrg101"