new processing times - same old story...


Registered Users (C)
They are processing applications (asylum based) with the receipt notice of 12/24/1999! On December 17, 2004 were processing cases with the Receipt Date of December 10, 1999 so, this is how they are going to resolve the issue of backlog etc...

14 days "movement" for 3 and a half months of a "real time".

Sure I have a link. I assumed that we all should know a few things about stuff that is crucial for us like that the American Immigration Lawyers Association is getting the processing data directely from the USCIS, i.e. is posting these before they appear on the USCIS Web site. That's why I omitted the link, sorry.

Here it is:
USCIS date (3/18) was the last update ON THEIR WEB SITE! The "real" update, posted yesterday on the AILA site is newest one (4/1). As I said, the AILA is getting new processing times directly from the USCIS and is posting it promptly.

In a word, Web dept at USCIS is a tad slower.
only a guess

Remember a few months back, the date was changed to 03/30/2000 for a short while. During that period, I'd imagine that they might have got thousands of inquires from Asylee aplicants, which is absolutely understandable--who would not call them after waiting endlessly for near 5 years? At least I would. So they quickly retrogressed it to Dec of last century.

when I read that more and more folks on this forum got adjusted with ND of early 2000(the latest is sal1786 with ND of june2000), the processing date "12/24/1999" is more and more like "STOP CALLING US" or a "DO NOT DISTURB" sign than a processing date.



wish everyone and myself good luck

GreyGhost said:
They are processing applications (asylum based) with the receipt notice of 12/24/1999! On December 17, 2004 were processing cases with the Receipt Date of December 10, 1999 so, this is how they are going to resolve the issue of backlog etc...

14 days "movement" for 3 and a half months of a "real time".
I agree

I agree with you one-of you...That is what i thought myself too, I wasreally devistated after i seen March 30, 2000 then it went back to Dec of 1999. That is the only conculsion that I got.
I am thinking now since Sal got his and he is June of 2000...and looking at them saying what they will process bythis phyical year....I am guessing that they are moving in the speed of processing one month of applications every 15 days
my date is August of 2000. I am guessing by next month I should hear from them at least to RFE...but all that is a guess :rolleyes: