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Hi Everybody,
I am new member to this site. I visit this site every day but registered only now!

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P...GC I have been thinking about this... we need at least 3 more criteria fulfilled before our queen crowning (maybe in addition to the original criteria)

(i) The queen/goddess has to visit here often, after all the people cannot live without their queen/goddess - this is a must.
Calgal seems to be taking the lead here - she has 87 points. The second contestant is a close 82 (i think there was a tie for second)

(ii) A swimsuit contest - no contest is a contest complete without that

(iii) and a "spend a day at the farm" contest with Chicken

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Like ....

Is it like....

"Bollywood(Actresses) for Afghanistan People .... !!
Specially, after dethroning the Taliban regime !!!!???

OR like...

" Water, water everywhere, but not even a single drop to drink"...

please... take it in sporting spirit... REQUEST...
Guys Hold your Horses

Anjana is a Female name agreed

But Anjana in literal Hindi also means Unaware or Unknown.

So Hold it off till we hear it from the horses or the Mares mouth:D :D :D
Good Lord,

The poor female (let's say for now) has just whispered a few sweet nothings and notorious pigeons r already fluttering, spreading the news all around of new queen's arrival. :D :D :D
Now I see my paltry number of posts, perhaps someone else is in competition besides Calgal and myself. Reveal yourself mystery competitor.

Good grief, I'm glad it's nearly Friday... :)